Show GOODNESS GOODES tc TIMES CHANGE NEW EW YORK July Juh 1 l.-C l. A OP J A A disturbance of marked intensity has been registered in iii baseball Where Shere once stood a peaceful Phil Phil- Philadelphian and a a. fearsome Giant there are now an austere austero Senator and a belligerent Pirate The mighty Walter Johnson came forth for h yesterday to lift his hi Washing WashIng- Washington ton brethren to the heights over o the Athletics Meanwhile Mt ack Jack Scott killed the Giant hopes hop s' s by b falling Calling to halt the Braves Draves Johnson made mad Junes June's last one on of ot its It rarest larest days das permitting only two teso hits Meanwhile the Senators were busy with the of of oC Slim Harrl s and the result was was 7 to 0 O. I GIANT KILLER ILLER It Little Johnny Johnn Cooney cut down the tho Giants right and left loft for a Boston victory ictor 3 to 2 permitting the Pirates to spend their energy in a 11 losing battle with tho the Cubs 1 to 0 O. O Kaufmann allowed only 3 safeties Sam Salie Sam Jones went out for the New NewYork ew York Yankees and md captured his hla tenth victory of oC the season seaon from the tho Red Tied Sox 3 Z to 0 O. Boston could count only four Cour hits The White Sox required 12 In Innings In- In Innings innings to defeat the St. St LOuis Louts Browns 6 to 1 Manager Collins and Sheely Sheel each shot forth three singles les I t Cleveland staging a five run ral rally ral- ral rally ly Iy In tho the sixth overcame o the tho Ti TI- TI TIgErs TIgers gers 6 to 3 The Phillies and Dodgers also traveled extra innings the decision finally going to Fletchers Fletcher's squad 10 to 9 3 |