Show y Safe k Mill Mille Miller and nd Diet r F In alid The Aged Nourishing Digestible Digestible No Cooking Cookin ie e- e Avoid imitations Imitation Substitutes i. i O 1 v iI J ACTUAL c. c T v SERVICE r. r What you are really interested in inis ini inis I is i not so much the banking service service you read about as the banking ser ser- service service ser ser- service vice you and actually get and and you honestly hon hon- honestly honestly estly GET that service at this bank NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE OGDEN UTAH Safety First LL eHn ym TO WELDING Automobile and Commercial Welding of Every Description Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Reasonable I II I LEE MURDOCH MURDOCK M CK Street I I B BOur 4 Our skill assures as as- euros correct glasses glasses- Our up styles be becoming coming glasses s to I i I r e of JULY t 1 aau ea An SPEC Al WASH 1 1 sl iv r f Smart Banded andT an Tailored Felt Hats at a Special Price t r V rV Wonderful Wonder f ul examples of fine Every shape from the very workmanship fine mater mater- materials large laige pol poke ol e c to the and and smart styling l small cloche I tl 1 t t Take full advantage of j tt these remarkable values y t. t by coming early a G f I 1 yv COLORS 1 f COLORS WHITE HITE ALMOND ALMONo- ALMONo AND SAND PINK COPEN COrEN cor WOOD woo OD eLO aa YEl VO VORY OCY Y BLACK o q l e s the thed d Y ALL A LL ready read to serve sen c And Anti Andt t j t YOU jou can fall count on 0 11 Pier cs c's Pork anti and an Beans ans r. r J ICI l i to touch the spot Il l Theres There's s nothing that tastes quite so good goo on a acan can canyon j on trip I Especially appropriate for outings because they can I be served I hot or cold 11 THE UTAH CANNING CO I Ogden n since Inco 1683 1633 I n r r Q 9 h a y Y j Wd Nn Wd lG j PLATES M Maloney Plates are aro made to specifications of high grade vulcanite and finest artificial art teeth carefully cu matched as asto asto r d to size color and shape hape Impressions Impressions ions are arc made PERSONALLY j carefully and skillfully so BO that the fit and appearance are r assured as well as perfect com corn fort You can pay lots more money elsewhere but you'll get no V better plates CROWN and BRIDGE WORK Properly dono done Crown and Bridgework le Is on one of the most mot satte- satte factory pieces of denial Nork Many teeth that otherwise must mutt be can cn be saved laved many mouths mouth that would otner- otner wise wilt require Plates Plate can be ba mad made mad useful by skillful crown and nd r U o We o NEVER crown a tooth t that U is unsafe unsafe nor nor NEVER aNt abet abe hat NEVER extract a tooth t that can n be saved PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS Timid children and nervous people may come como here with the tho positive promise that their teeth can b be extracted safely lately and nd without pain t Hours 0 9 a m m. al W until tion 6 p m m. FREE Dr M. M V. V Maloney aloney The Careful Dentist 2469 Washington Ave 27 fb J- J 0 It i G Coo f or r y EVERY EVERT VACATION JOY JOT centers ai at the famous Farrow e AMBASSADOR 4 LOS i Here you ou will f find nd cool summer nights V Vand fir and days Every Ev ry Healthful Sport and J f the Cordial Good Fellowship of this great grent hotel 27 Poo V rd d n. n 0 Oo A P Mma Go Col Golc Court c an cm m c r T C f. f Slut M h un Pau TK h 3 3 Smut S t a mw m 11 Coconut l w for a O o non 7 J Hunting H Hm II tU nJ nJ 11 Ve V n 4 on nt rt f fRANCHO for fat y day dy and ud m. m io fiO Moderate Summer Rates J. Arnt-J. Amb dv RANCHO GOLF GOU CLUB J. J bU to U Tb r X t. t r Tk N. N Na YaL Y TKo Th Amb A Ax c Atlantic Ct Cj C y it t Th TKo dor W s 11 een |