Show CALIFORNIANS ARE ARETO ARETO TO BE ADMIRED i Love e of home is an all absorbing Influence and at present It is bid bid- ding the tho people of or Santa Barbara I Ito to rebuild where the earthquake has haR destroyed I With streets filled with debris and houses toppled over oyer the in in- inhabitants inhabitants habitants of the distressed city dh- are aro I not dismayed They are going ahead to reconstruct as 88 though the future held no dread for tor them Though a geologist has predicted more temblors the builders are at work With 11 ith the California spirit tho bankers of Santa Barbara aided by bythe bythe bythe the financial resources of or Los An An- Angeles Angeles Angeles geles and San Francisco are arc pre pre- preparing paring to stand back of or a loan of ot with which to erase the of ot wreckage One is compelled complIed to 10 admire the people pi-ople of ot California The men who do things thinS'S in that great grat state ore are broad and big and courageous cour s. s They The have haye visions which defy dery the crash of lightning or the thc blow of or earth carth- quakes They are heroic and fine follows fellows No one can lose Jose faith In a state staid productive of oC so much faith amt fait It and stamina |