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Show HIS STRATEGY. "I'rofeator lonarde tepped quick (y onto the alage and Rated aruund at Ae crowded audience Then tm thrut hi left thumb Into the armhole of hla rvaUtroat and waving hla right arm In the air commenced to lecture He una not addicted to much pream bio and lie waa quickly in the thick of Vie auhjed mailer which waa hypno-tlam hypno-tlam It wa not given to every man to perform audi featataa he could ihow, he Intlmaled. and to provo that h waa no mere boaaler ho catually offered CIOO to any man who timid perform per-form hla meamerlc expcrlmenta "I II tako It up " ahouteil a Hm looking young man from the rear of tbe hall The llm young man mounted the platform at the cloae of tho entertainment entertain-ment and c-Hard the laak of winning that 1100 Ho wna a illemal fnllure One or to fit the aubjccta cre placed In a condition of dreary InertneM, but the rel. after pretending to itibmlt to the nuglc fone of the mylerlou paiaea made over their face, limply Hood up and laughel at the amateur for hli palm He bore hla unaiicerae with becoming becom-ing meeknrea but he had dlacovered a factor In Profeewr ' Ionard a meth-odl meth-odl For tho next few daya he itudled not ao much hypnollm aa human nature na-ture and at the end of the week again formed one of the audience at the entertainment. en-tertainment. He waa not o very grently atirprlted to find that prccliely tho aamo gentlemen were choiin aa iibject from among a large number of volunteer a were selected on the prevlou occailon; but he waa unde terred, and responded to the Invitation Invita-tion for the 1100 competition wllli alacrity alac-rity "Hard rah, It you pleae," replied tho young gentleman, and et to work on the row of grinning yokel who Hero waiting to bo hypnotlxed To the great attrprlae ot everybody, Including the ' profeaior," one by one they ucrtimbrd to the meamerlc Influence, Influ-ence, and when every Individual bat been put through hla faclnga according oik TUOFK880K" LKONAIlDa MADI3 A rnw iA88i:s to the exhibited "programme," tho youth quietly held out hla hand unit aid! "I'erliap you will lie good enough tn count over that tlOO you rofcrred to Juat now" The "profewor" knew better than to rrfue. Tho homo wa In a atate of the wildcat excitement, and the popular popu-lar current waa dlallnctly In Johnaon a favor llcfual to pay would have meant a riot, nt lcat, and a long farewell fare-well to hla growing reputation llepald the money with a bad grace and with many a muttered Imprecation agalnat the group of "aubjccta" who had aold htm. Inla waa what came ot putting faith In ruitlo Innocence, and of omitting omit-ting the trifling formality of paying wagea when they were due. Howocr, a chance might arlae by which he would yet get even. The chance came, Tho next night there wero Uo nice-mertita nice-mertita ahowlng In that little town. A new profeaaor had aprung Into existence. exist-ence. It waa the a! I in youth who had won toe C100 The new ahow "caught on" imailnic-ly, imailnic-ly, and the attendance Increaird In proportion pro-portion to the decrease of the opposition opposi-tion hall. The local man waa ine celebrity ot the hour, and glowing notice and Intervlewa appeared In the Wollabourne "Slasher " Lconarda tore . hla hair and brooded aver ome acheme ot vangtance Hut one night, a nover-to-be forgot-t forgot-t ten night to all Wollabournlane, occurred oc-curred the downfall of "l'roftaor" Johnaon. For the last two nlgbta he had been conducting tome marvelotia expcrlmenta upon a particularly sua-ceptlble sua-ceptlble subject, whom ha had unexpectedly unex-pectedly dlacovered The record of thla man'a feata while In a hypnotlo condition had attracted overflowing houit. and people fought In the atroet to get In. Uut upou thla occailon the young profenor, having put tho medium through tbe uiual antlca, to the great delight ot the audlonce, failed utterly In restoring tho man to coniclouneas. He Hipped hla flugera In the aubject'a face, dathed water over him, ran nee-die nee-die Into hla fleah, but all to no purpose. pur-pose. As a last resort some ono sent for a doctor and when ho arrived people peo-ple breathed freely for a time The "profeesor" objected to tho Interference In-terference ot the medical man but pub-tic pub-tic opinion overruled the objection and he doctor et to work In Ira than flvo minutes he had iiltcn up the im aa hopelea. The man waa dying, he said, and units he wero brought round another hour uould see him a corpso Tho arena In the hall wbw thla announcement an-nouncement wa made bain description. descrip-tion. Come hissed the profwiaer, others hinted at lynching all were agreed that the government ought lo lep In and stop auch entertainments Suddenly a little man Jumped upon a stool and cried out "What about the other 'profcaaor't" The Idea waa acted upon at once, and a email crowd hurried oft to the other hall lo fetch Leonard When he entered the hall the din and uproar aaa terrific No dead man, even, of any self-reaped, could havo lain upon that platform without rising lo enter a protest ogalnil tho disturbance, disturb-ance, let alone an Indlvldunl merely hypnotlxed iet thla subject alcpt on through It all na though ho had nettled net-tled down steadily to crack tho record of the aeven sleeper. 1 shall want lo be remunerated for my service said Leonards 'Namo jour price, and set to work at once," returned Johnson; "the crowd won t stand It any longor." ' My price la 1100," coolly replied Leonard What!" said tho other. 'One hundred pounds; and cheap at (hat, It'a the price, I paid you for my little downfall the other night," he whispered Curae It' Take It, then," said Johnson You'o played n keener game than mine, and I deservo to lose for being so cosily gulled Tell your man lo slop hla eternal fooling, and let a get out of thla" "I'rofeaaor" lconarda made a few transverse puses over the man'a face, and with a dated look In hla eye, the man returned to hla senses Loud and long waa tho cheer that greeted this successful exposition of the marvelous power ot hypnotism a demonstrated by tho elder "profcaor," and after a counter demonstration ot groan for Iho unlucky Johnson, the crowd departed The man who was hypnotized remained re-mained behind for a moment or two When lio departed he waa In high spirits, spir-its, the richer by a IS note |