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Show AN EXPLANATION- j I Iwlsh to rniki-Kxplanatlon to a mis-Ming mis-Ming statement wnich appeared In Us Herald of the Oth Inst, undsr 'Spec- , UCorrespondence" from Park City. The Hem It headed, "Declare! It I HVgal," "Trutteea Had; uo Right to I'lejt lllghtchool," otc all of which la Mtadlng and Inaccurate, And It (txttds to say that I. In tuv olllclal C'taclly. viilted l'ark Clly last Monday tt"sptung a surprise on the trustees" Much ileotaratlons ai the above. I sUttJo 'declarations" of any kind; 1 daTriot commit myself Inany way alio tMmsauliig or Intent of the law but l"t It as my opinion that In certain ruutt pertaining to the hlghscboul we artaotln exact conformity with the IsWand added that, In order to obviate atjMdllllcilty whlili might arise, 1 Mldjststi opinion as to the point of IstTlntelsed, and, while the question liti much Importance to the l'ark City dltulct.lt Is nothing unusual, similar cjks arising almost every week) mid It It'tronglo Imply that Ilia taxpayers bstt tsaton lo be alarmed about the renter. I'urttiermorr, I hare talked of tlii time matter once before with at ItnUneintniWrol the board, so It seitoslhst there it llltlo caute for lit snsntlcn coming as a surprise. 1 very injmdsartcal inch rcporti at their tHiorj is, without doubt, unfavorable lotbl if boots Yours lUspertlully, FniNK KvAva. if Supt. Icliools. |