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Show OOALVILLE, FRIDAY, APR., 7, TRASK EVAN k H. . " ' EDITOR. BCfciNISS MANAGER at:. ktM kmOu Baf b 8toa U . -.7 . .. . 77.7.; . el mo t p It :. Mu ,.u. 22 tm iu m ihiibi 1 jr. m e j 7 so rt otr 4 08 Mv W 1JUN tt' mIm 6 mnto pm Him for 8rl Inwr ck ubnM)Uut , 0 mom pm Hu tm ad birred to gtjnmb MR will to MfteUj irnprove-meot- a. 1 i Hop 1, IMA to I V. Clulf tecently, U 3 j that thernania forrard parties j might very jroQtbly giv $ way to some wore beneficial form of rli nii.eiit. a A suggest The musical proved o audereful a in warrant a complete abandonment ievts oi the lust ami High Five "eon for a better tuna of social IS pleaaure, There la perbap no barm in tb card play lug ext ept that it I a w te 1hIi iiltotlMt CrmrM0nU mmI tor Ik tlto. c rvr svrcat. jgryt s ,tj kul too ..... , toote. Wuabi HoyttTUl Cpw... haaf r Sub 8 Match 3mj4m i ... Job Clark A. U. Krimm ........ William brewer ........ toeeph A Hall A tie Loudon . i. ... j .Mr. Clti Y Peek N. 8 .... . 0. F 0up Lpon . Hoiv IMBU Oeow w. Vomi Chart H.kml ,,. , of time and that t surely hatm eHotigh aiM there- art.but dioUgli a nuineroua other p.itunea from whiih eome benefit uiay be derived. A new failed the terrible alike u see about every other day. it DOESN'T MATTER "WHETHER YOUTIEIT WITH A SILK THREAD OR A CABLE, it s DENG It14' AA tz IS swe r4. )) m. u w Xofvhht' Me'sdv tTiaT'nfatciTtlns csta&Tislnneut itTwhat you find here. Its Not what place for trading fair 2t you nav for a n n ti 0. Wllitemur. OlaukllUar C .... John A. Itanltall M. Well r?.Jama Hetor V. Hanonomi . Muraaii HKhhrtl Joaepll Uilpioao A.C. Btabop ..,i ,, ......... AMUius tmaeinto AWaMMltttowml nmXM R. Btokta. , jemu TMttP JVPU'Ut ' A. N. Ctony. WVXTT. ' . - - -it haiur fMaaoiwt 8urryor ANonwy " Sapl. Jamaa A. illuer . W. Bartcb. CttowaUto 1toh ........ Wtoortito cvvsr. iVHMMt PISTKICT, A. a. Nonet) ... W.t. Pack ... ... , .0.8 .t ,W.B. A -- .Srullk .......... ....... .... ... E. H. C. A. Frauk tobool Why line come again' great power) tdne advent roneealed.or wertthou captured aa repriam on the tied of natures high rear, ever beiue-for- to remuiu hi marque beyond thu region? Ob, break thy bond and nd lifeless, Jt cm. It COALVILLE, any price from laik tatlia Ivan were piping their aweet melodies; that the bluebird) were flittering to amt fro UTAH CO-O- P o John m ihe 'aifig AdnsiwitU tb mndxtncw itbe aud blitheaome sit crane eluiuld gay . .1. Johuaon UMtfapwvlicar ........ Umu V rt r,FvrP 1F fcFNtoww(miBwi W wtoW fttblMfiary things. V.'..' . Jawea Stmia toxUm W.H Branch, Jamea I'aiklwm, But even Vottncllm this not it tow k Wuaoa. J, T. UudaOB, J. W, Winlater. enough it is too Ta ground aqulrrela are again mate- - tame and only make n desperate Think you not that it i time that nature took a tumble toberlf and put lag tbair appearance, their term of hiberon Easter garments? We Ivin would nation basing ended, ft ia likely that to cleai away the euppUgatethegod many el tbV jptota will starve uulcss debrie of winter that we might sluffour an this are able te live on We snow, snow-shoe- s. nay prove a boon after all. mmst that Mre, Celeatia Y. Park, Ita about time the patents on the Universe expireJ. apply a new We would and stern-wind- stem-sette- r, with patent weather regulator. oar efficient Kamae eorraspondent, bat We would have the hens lay half a domi fseea eall4 away to Salt Lake where aud hatch a healthy brood iu a ha will remain poetibly for aeveral eggs day a minntee. We would have the week. We wttl try to engage with twenty corn grow five seasons iu a year. We toaie wide awake Kamasit to (apply would rip the slinkweed and the cactut 7 the awt from that region during Mra, up the back and plant a pprsc-r- j of rose? Patka abet ate. In their stead. We would relig.ite the saloon and beer-ha- ll to Innocuous desue- Wrra Use apparent view to lastitut-ingtude, and at the intersection of emh aew natifnal political party, a r street, erect a fountain. to tarn it tee contistiag of tevtral bund ret Adams ale in copious si reams should of Aaktrltaa leading statesmen and girgte from the mountain springs aud eeoaomiate will hold a convention at Uncle Samuels navy should float ovr Albany , ff aw York, June 28 to duly 3. tha Isthmus of Panama. But the conTbla event wlU be worth watching, aa tract wdi let to some fellow w hose the move. If lucetufu), it going to rut eemmw iLmS a clear-waU- : (iooi) ci.iiA.V ()ATStin-:.vri-oK"si;i;- rSfKX3r IfiveTeciro Gevtraot Pingree of Michigan it said t Is be the leading spirit in tbia departure. light, newer age With electric mad one of Wire the beat The season of the flamboyant bill poster and the long suffering pedagogue will fade anon into futurity. The eor-pulc- nt gwas that the next time he East he atop over a few daya and visit our electric light plant and ex- t 7rr OKMSI VERmiFUCE! For 20 Prepared CREANf M.istja Quantity. YejrsHas by- IV- -t la Qaalltr. Led ail Wcra RernedUsTm avxz tmt7GG.il - r. PALLABD. St. Louis.' At ... Always On Hand at the FGI WHITES YV mm mu. Coalville. Co-o- p. G O vyt- WANAMAICER & BROWN. Rt omen juices will -- Sales Agent For Lucern Seed t Orcnnrd Grass Seed, Gypsine Wall Finish, Wall Paper. w Just cjtDfd cot a beantiful line Capes. Ladies Wrappers MINE colors, -D- Lump Stove, ress-Trimnies $2.25 A Dne line oi 0! Spring in great taiiety, pattern and Percales, Cingbams, Laces, - erdFancj. Noteiiits. M. R. Salmon. 1.50 oyster will retire from mtive service and spend tti summer months at some popular bathing resort. The water work! systems tf the weet, where spring poet w ill reverse hi cuff and eeald be a more desirable residence dtckie end seek a tenderer-lnart- ed eitythea Pros ? Why, Coalville editor, for ala, sit, apiiug is not a brother Graham evidently sure thing yet! ! I hasn't traveled very extensively. We would auggeat jou) vy:j. D ir Taa Enquirer says to RoMnaon tucim rttm6TrrTrr.TS77r'.'H. they fate eeeeen 7.50 our Spring Suits here at aud you will not be Wanamaker & Hrnwii Oualities, w Wanamaker & Brown Prices. L. Allen Thom s ayto to their mates; tinging Joyoua i- - H. Wlide Etoprtor ........ Hanhat ....................... .. J. Juhnaoa that the silver throated magpie elitml 1 Fmaaurar thing. mings we can jiletse von. love-note- , for a p , n t his statement must cou e to our mind that we mean the cloths arc all w ol without shod ly , that is the fact we desire to emphasize. N M ttter wlnt you miy wa.it in clothing aud trim- perish for a thunge of ia time that tb robin and the p The dearest wa you get. should be equally coneienciotis Buy OftSH BARGAIN STORG ateaj thee onward to thy ui&umoji in the northward lest tins country, drear Miller Rlu-a- GENERAL MER6HANDISE. tb UndmyJr. aeaion. f, i. lielaiMthlla Wowaty On, Fraiao. where art thou' coin t thou tml here v.Lt 1. t -g The varied nd instructive contents of the Young Womans Journal for April Include bright ttoncs his LfiaPf6iil Ns Di BY PATRONIZE HME INDUSTRY . A Weber Coal Co THE KODAK SYSTEM of PUm Photography the Instrument Loads andynloads in Broad Day-Ligh- t. ntf-poetry, amine our water works and sewerage b islory, tcience, and art, all applied to woman's life and devoted to her inter. eyateme. r ests. Subject educative and helpful to wife, to mother, and to daughter are Taa improvementa made oa the road treated by Utahs cleverest writers. threegb main etreet last fall are now to Imtuied With a loty sprnt of faith and be more tally appreciated. When it ia progrew, the editorial beautifuiy aud remembered that the etreet war lower effectively teachea that man raipenot thia earth to get wealth. nor eduthan lb Wftier ditebe and aidtaalkt, upon cation, nor intellectual power, nor and daring spring months especially, but to get experience. n, r? are tiu,v i these are the finest-o- f Ourspi iuy; styles, in ilotzi our Country s tholhs am the jeer of any made in the world. We think ou will agree with us that thi- - array of Styles almost Reach the rt aim of ait hr us they are strikingly beautiful. Your Tailor is like our doctoi ; yoy , e got to trust him. Both 7 4T4TM. f-.i- to practice econoitiv is to utm nmt J SlKIS COME, BEAUTIFUL PFFICUL DIRECTORY. T grass CREEK. Excellent Coal can behad at the mouth of G ra ssX r 8elc a nyon nearGoalvilie. ThroughTecent de ' veloprnehts we are prepared to keep a good supply conon hand. stantly Extra iarge stove 01.50, big weights. Stable and Bunk house in connection. ir bat proved highly rnov reaidenc of Mre. W. ntwlesa HoU0f to OmoHto. Utob. to 0lo$ Potto. M Ito taid Tb successful and highly entertain ing social given by Mien Raker atjhe Sao.i 01) for tb mil ZlStt'JLr . iiWMn t it W ai 11 bo- nscMary tl ,toiMrWIs Rim !l lay eommendabl. fa 14 uses. a K i now high bad dry at ail lime, tlier write no question a to I be window of tb council in Laving uiaJ ; the out Tb ( utMonptlon mTw .... .. U Heat. ... .... an.l that the mud-hol- toad RUKAD Twi Veritable 66 I GEO. W. N ROilERT Film Cartridges are YOUNG, WANS IilP. Dealers in General ilerciiandise, Non-Break- ah Weigh Ounces, Where Plates Weigh Pounds. The Kodak Season has now Opened. - iWut ojbcu & gun. v Sa va, |