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Show IMIILIPI'INb ItBVBNUBS. I.1l..nThr.elllllc,ii. Nine, tmrrlran. Tfiok I it.r.loli, Wathlngton April 0, Acting Hecrc-tary Hecrc-tary Melktljohn hat intdn a alatciucnt of the recclpta In tho I'lilllpplue la-lnndt la-lnndt .luce the Aintrlcana linto been In charge I'lieMi figure have been cabled by (leucral Otlt, but .luce the active hottlllttct liava been going 011 no detalli d rejiortt have been received '1 ho Americana took potscaslon of the Mam). August 13, 18U 'lhe rtcelpta to the tint of January were (1,810,813 Therrcclptafor Innunry, rcbruary and March, ao far at reported, wcrel,103,-CCO, wcrel,103,-CCO, of which amount 1 10 000 It from Hollo and 110 000 from Ccbu It U believed be-lieved the total allowing of S7,VS8,4BO would have been much larger had all tho porta of the Itlandt been In pot-aeaalon pot-aeaalon of tho United State. Many of the porta have been In twite.alou of the Inturaenti, and coinniercehaabeen nrceaaarlly rcatrlcted |