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Show ORDINANCE NO. 12. 'iaprdlnance repealing Ordinance JW Utard of County Commissioners ol!ommll County ordainaaa follows: Mellon 1 I ItuUMInanca NO. 10, passed am) iiife '&0 lki r 4 h- " lPiasy. OrejriiiWnni'rs of lite Couiity offiuinm It ft the Clh, dayof December A. D, 1809, providing for the licensing of the Imal uess of raining, grating, herding or pasturing sheep In the Count) of Hum mil, Elate of Ulah Is hereby repealed. Hrctlon 2. This Ordinance shall take eflectaud be In force on and alter fifteen dayafrom Hi patssge. Tailed and approved this ,1rd, day nl April A. I). 1809. JOIIX I'ilXITT Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners Com-missioners voted Ayr, for thei pasaag of the a 1)0 e Ordinance NO. 13. W. 8. WmoiiT County Commissioner voted A)C, fir the passage of the kbove Ordinance XO. 13, Ham t McDoitoi'Uit County Commissioner voted Iio.agalnil the passage of the nliov Ordinance NO. 12. 'Attest W.I. l'ACK Connly Clerk, t I '?"- ,' ' (rint Pulllctllon 1 1 Bt ) |