Show RELIGION CLASS GLASS PARTY THURSDAY Workers w an and Partners of Box Elder Stake toPe toBe to toBe I Pe Be a Guests I CITY Jan TM 27 27 The class stake slake board of ot Box Dox Ider county will wilt entertain au ai allI I IlIder lake r religion class elas workers and heir partners with a program and andI party nest ne t Thursday eve eve- ring eve Ing eing at al S 8 o'clock In the card ard amusement hull hall The M 1 r A of the Fifth ward wardwill viii pr pros prea s n nt a 1 a pia play A A Poo Poor Mar Married fled ried Man on Thursday January 28 it I In the ward amusement hall hallI Following 1 In the he play a dance wit wil l be e given 11 Miss Silas Leah Hatch latch and Miss Misa Annn 1 aura iura Christensen entertained nt Tuesday evening at al the tho home of Mrs lIra Victor K K IL Madson to their lie lier Hive e class elaas Tho evening was phased passed sed In play play- pia playing playing ing Ing- progressive Stung Slung alter itter which served nerved at small were sma I were awarded to II Mss Mary olary Peterson and Miss Mis Ie Elowise Later ter lice Hee Sant were sung The guests guest numb num- num ll b d 30 A A pi pit plc sail sant se party arly wa was gl given gln n 0 Oil oi Monday evening lu In luhonor luhonor honor of the birthday ot of Henry U Y I ig by b a num num- number number ber ter of it 11 friends at al his home ot 01 So oth h Third Cast nasI street t Follow FollowIng FollowIng lug Ing supper copper 11 the guest guests passed lh c evening Iu iii to musical numbers s and In social ct lion nV Lion There were U ii present Mrs frs Homer Holmgren of or tai al Lake Is 15 passing sev several days inthis in this at al the home horle or of her cats Mr and anil Mrs I N Nela Neis h Madson I 11 I The Gleaner Gl-aner Girls of o 0 the Sixth ward M 1 I A entertained the M ol men wills wilh a delightful party Tues Tues- Tuesday Tuesday ia day evening at al the home of Mr rr end ond Mrs s Lorenzo Loronzo Smith on m South Main aln Street The Tho guests enjoyed an Interesting program and were served ser dainty refreshments I A farewell program will be P given next nest next SUll Sunday ay night In the Second 1 ward chapel charl In honor Jonor of 01 Da Davis s ron eon on of Mr fl and Mrs w T I Darts who will leave leae for forthe forthe forthe the Swiss German mission on Feb Feb- February Fe Feb February luar 4 I Lorenzo Stohl of Salt Lake was In Brigham City Tuesday The married folks of ot Corrine were entertained Tuesday with with l a dancing party at the ward hall |