Show 50 WARSHIPS WILL SAIL FOR PANAMA SAN DIEGO Calif Jan Jail 27 Py 27 ny fly The fhe Th Associated 1 Press Press-Ap- Ap 50 60 of ot the tho I States State fleet Including Zi 2 a 0 division dl of or rItes the aircraft cattier carrier Lang LanA liy lIy Ity with two fighting plane squad roils quad rolls rons aboard and several le tenders will wll mobilize In Coronado roads Sundal Sunda a afternoon preparatory to salting at d dawn wn Monday for tor the tho m maneuver off oft Panama Homeward boun bound 1 fro from at Panama the battle batti fleet seth will 8 tit ull 11 from Bai- Bai Bal Balboa boa boo March 15 If arrivinG here her April 1 From April 1 to about June 20 the destroyers will wilt remain based at San Diego o Dle o The Th rh vessels nil It co go to San SaC Francisco Seattle Tacoma Portland and other ports port until after ater July 4 |