Show SEEKS Sl Si AS HEART BALM BAl 1 Divorcee Di Admits ts Telling Untruth Before Betrothal NEW EW Jai In D lly 21 By The Associated Press Pres Pr u ProtestatIons ot of love mingled Tuesday with ad- ad admissions admissions ad missions of misrepresentations and n brok broken n proms promises a tle trial l of the breach c promise suit brought I by y Mrs Ml's Clara Dol Bobs Shiras against George Caldwell Cald well Mrs ShIras in testimony mony she was vas not Dot no widow ashe liS as liShe ashe he first hai I lad tod Caldwell but buthe the divorceS wife or ot Dr Ralph of ot Kansa City She said she was married to o DA Do Shira In 1905 in iii Chicago an anu divorced from him hint In 1912 In n Kansas Kamas City Mrs Shiras Shira related d how she sh first met Caldwell on a n en route from Chicago to New e York In 1923 when aben she tol Lola tola him hm that she was a wid widow 0 but bl mat a week or orso orso orso so later she told toM him JIm the truth Their engagement encasement CollI cd a brief courtship Though the they were en- en engaged en gag gag-cd to be ma n August 1923 Mr Ir marld marr d Marion Marlon Haley Andrews oa ou July 14 of ot that year she said Mr 1111 Caldwell Is la now head heal ot of the Springfield ld Body By company ot of Massachusetts and ft I director ot of several everal New lew York Tork SUEI O ONCE o CF neOnE PORTLAND Maine Jan 27 27 By The Associated Press Press- Press George Georce Brinon on l wc who rho Is defending a a breach 0 of promIse suit by Mrs Clara Clarn Bola Eola Shims in New Now York VIoS sued for on r grounds by Miss Zoe M 1 Evans 1 q I Boston man man- manicurist manicurist manicurist formerly of Portland in No November cr 1324 1924 |