Show BEET ERS GROV N IO HO SK FOR FOA 8 A TON Amalgamated and Utah Utah- Idaho Companies Ref use to Consider Request POCATELLO Ida Jan 27 27 CD 1 ByThe The fhe Asso Associated l ted A A staunch renewal that their demands foran for an JS 3 p per pr r ton guarantee be i e 1 1 26 1 0 3 was matte made DUt e here today by the he e I ld nho ho Beet Deet Growers association which met in closed session Idaho growers 13 of ot them chairmen of oC county growers com corn committees millee Indorsed the demands made two weeks ago and sot sol firm firm- firmly firmly firmly ly behind the stand stanl taken tallen by the state tep And it was further fur further ther agreed reed I hat all attempts to force fOIce this demand and all alt negotiations negotiations for tor a 1926 contract must be made b by the Idaho Drool Growers S committee 5 Two refining companies the Idaho Idaho itah and th the Amalgamated refuse refu to 10 consider er tile Hie tS 8 3 a toil tOli toi de- de demand de mand tt It was brought out at the meeting and also the t fact lct that growers are rt dissatisfied with the narrow margin of er I profit rent realized on en their 1925 1021 crop It It Is III understood that the he two cents per ton clause which the refiner ref deduct from the growers checks and turn over over oser to the state and which Is favored by both grower and refiner may be Incorporated Into the contracts In Inthe Inthe Inthe the p past st this clause has hs been op- op optional op ep optional with the grower and is now new looked upon upen 1 as a step toward a closer operation co-operation In the indus indus- industry try indus try Indus Indus-I |