Show I 1 i I i FUNERALS j Funeral services for Emily P Parley Farley will wiil be heid Wednesday at 2 o'clock In the tho Eighth th ward cha- cha chaI chapel cha chapel pel with Bishop Joseph F Bar Daj- Daj Barker her ker presiding The body may be at the tho home of her daugh daugh- daughter daughter ter Mrs T J 7 Maddock Cron Cros street Tuesday afternoon and eve eve- evening evening eve evening ning and Wednesday until time Ume will wilt ho be beI homade of services Interment made maln in tho the City cemetery under the direction of 01 the tho Malan MilIan a Funeral services r for lor Mr Mrs John JohnM II 31 Genta will be held 1 morning at 10 o'clock In 51 St Jos- Jos Jos Joseph's ephs eph's Catholic church Tho The bO bOmay bod may be viewed at the home rear real West Vest Second street Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday day morning until time of ot servIce will be made In City cemetery under th the direction ot Of the Kirkendall mortuary I Funeral services str for tor James Pap Pap- Pappas Pappas pas Pap pas will be held Wednesday a- a at- at at at 3 o'clock i In the tho r Kirl chapel a If priest of the thO Gree Greek Orthodox church Interment will be made In la the View cemetery Funeral services for Joseph Smith were held Mon Men Monday day clay at 1 o'clock In the tho m meeting house with Counselor Nor Nor- Norman Nor Norman or man Bingham presiding Guy Child san sang My Iy and Mr Mrs Ronald West sang ang Fact to Face aee There was WIlS also music by bya bya bya a male malt quartet composed of oC AtI Atthur Atthur At- At thur Edward and Thomas Thoma Bine- Bine Bingham t I fliam ham and Howard F Child The speakers were Patriarch A A President Samuel U G Dye and Counselor Bingham Dingham In- In Interment In Interment was made malo In the CIty c cemetery Funeral services service for tor Ic Lewis Lesii Is Jon Jun- JunIor Jun Junior br Burton will be held Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday day afternoon at 2 o'clock In th Seventh ward chapel with Bishop W v A Budge presiding Friends may call at the Ule home Sev- Sev Seventeenth Sev Seventeenth street this afternoon and evening and tomorrow until tIm of services sr Interment will be made In tile the City cemetery under the direction of ot Lindquist under under- undertakers undertakers takers Funeral services for Arthur Jun Jon JunIor Junior br Jorgensen infant son of oC Ar- Ar Arthur Arthur Ar Arthur thur and Beatrice Johnson Jorgen- Jorgen Jorgensen sen Jorgen-sen sen were held Monday at 1 o'clock In the Thirteenth ward chape chapel with Bishop Dishop's Counselor J Ray Wil Wit Wit- Withams Williams hams liams presiding An organ prelude was WIlS played b by Samuel F Whitaker Grace Nelson sang Your Sweet Little tue Rosebud has Ites Left Lett You Too Lynn Berlin Derlin sang I Come to Thee William WilHam T f Pickett san That Sweet Story of ot Old and andOne One Fleeting Hour flour The spek ipek speak era ore era were Samuel Martin MarUn Albert W Bell E U H II Chambers and Bishops Bishop's Counselor Williams Interment was made In the City cemetery the grave was dedicated by J n It Williams Services for John I F Stephens Stephen will be held on Wednesday at 1 Ip p m In In the Ninth chapel with Bishop U D George Georee e Shorten Of the tho Eighteenth warl alI officIal officIal- officiating ing The Time body may hewed h viewed ewed at atthe atthe atthe the Lindquist chapel this till evening e and also on slay until time of oC funeral In ment willbo ill to ho in the city cemetery Services Sl tor for Sirs Mrs In Ann Stephens wife of oC John 1 F Stephens will be bo Id held Op On Thurs Thurs- Thursday Thursday day at p m In Lime luu Masonic temple with Rev ev r tr I P Ken Fa-Ken Ia FIl- yen gen of or the tho First 1 church officiating The fhe c will b In III charge ot of o the rs of ot the tho Ord Order r of or the Star The body boly may be viewed at t the Lind-I Lind Lind- Lind Lindquist Quist chapel on Wednesday day cv- cv cia and also on Thursday day until 11 a m in when It cm can Lu b view d dat dat at the Masonic temple temple- Mrs Stephens was Mrs Irs Jolt John Row before she married Mr Sir Stephens about 15 years ean ago ao Services for tor SIrs Mra elyn hick- hick wife or of o Merle Merlo looper looper and her Infant child were held on Monday at 1 p m In Inthe Inthe the I he Larkin l Sons ons cl lid l cl with wit Bishop Byrum J I j- j Luli of th Fourth ward Time The musical selections mere en it err Tim Link LInk Divine and Well ell Understand Mra lIia Annie Brian 1 mm duet O 0 Lov Divine George Chamberlain in and Mrs Irs Jens Jensen n Speakers hus were crr Henry L 1 Jenin 1 of oC Pleas Pleas- Pleasant Pleasant ant View K U A Larkin N A AGay AGay AGay Gay and Bishop Lund The grave In the tho North Ogden den Ta was dedicated by |