Show EVANSTON EVANSTON DEPARTMENT TIA J ND Phone 32 K CO 60 I Center 51 St E EVANSTON E J Wyo Jan 26 Services for In Mr A W tv Anderson held Sunday at it 2 o 0 dock clock in in the theM M sonic temple were under the direction ot of tho the rn Star lodge of which Mrs His Anderson was a member The Tho Rev Icv Sir Mr Hutt was the principal speaker er Tim Tho Ladles Ladies auxiliary to the American It-glon It tool took charge charbe o the cere cere- ceremony cere- cere ceremony ceremony mony at the grave Krave At ll-e ll temple the music was Vas by tim tho Methodist choir ard at the graVe Mrs Irs Jack Mills and daughters Cora Wheeler an and l Stella Gilbert sang There were many sorrowing relatives es and and many beautiful floral ottering offerings or It 01 the Un-n Un Pacific held a round table round table meeting In the club rooms Monday with It n N Seal presiding QUIET WEDDIN The marriage is A t DUla Landis Landis and Walter Waller HurL l bath of ot this city Il quietly took took look plate place in Salt Lake last Saturday Mis Harris was as formerly a teacher in the tho I o an toll school end and lId is the I daughter of at Mr Ir and ills Mis Ii Crosbie The room loom is 15 the son lIon sono ot o MI Mr and Mrs Hairy Harris I and is a business man of o this cil city They have have- returned r to Evanston I to make their home James Jams Bateman wh who was oper oper- oper- oper operate operate ate Mt on in tim tho L D S hospital last week Is r rt orte l to be slow slow- slowly slowly ly Iy recovering lila son bon i on Frank ye- ye returned re returned turned from front Salt Lake Lahe Sunda and his other ether son enter went Vent down to remain remain by Iy y his father father bedside for tor a few day a Mm Mrs G N Baker of Ofden a was In Evanston E Sundry UDd to r attend end th thi services for Mrs Irs AY A W Y Anderson Miss Marjory Pert Pen of ot Ogden was In Evanston the be latte l-itle part o of the ee week Ie Vet Veria Harvey Harvcy left f far fr r Morgan Monday She will pas pasi the next two weeks with willi County Assessor Daniel Gerrard was removed remond to Salt Luke Friday and underwent an Sat Sat- Saturday Saturday Sat Saturday John Livingston ot of Aberdeen Idaho Idabo Stopped over In Evanston Sunday on his Ms way tOm om Ran Han Randolph Randolph dolph where h he h- had bc n bce-n n visiting friends Mr ansi and Mrs Beanie Atkinson and children J nave av from California after passing several weeks ks there Charles Charies Dean ot of Woodruff was an Evanston business Mon lon l Monday on- on ond d day y He lie was as formerly of ot Evan Ean Evanston ston Mrs Whitlock has haa let le for Cali Call California fornia where she line Ix tj to ye- ye remain re remain main for a short time rilO-M rilO I IDAHO I Mrs George Gcorge Carruth has ye- ye re returned I turned from Burly Idaho after passing several se months there with her daughter Mrs Ivin Harris and family theU George head he- he of ot the U iI P fuel saving savinI ot of Omaha was In Evanston van ton during the first of ot the week on business There has been a n deal ot of sickness In for the thep p pat t few week weeks duo t I to the epi- epi epidemic epidemic epi epidemic demic ot of Influenza Id ad I pneumonia monia John Overman road road- road mater master and J U ci dt- dt division di division vision engineer of Green River niver were vere in Evanston while tran transacting for or the Union Pacific IL R n N agent for the tho Union Pacific a Evanston returned to nil his homo home after passing a few days In Omaha while transacting |