Show WOULD- WOULD BE SCREEN COMEDIAN ACCUSED 1 SACRAMENTO TO E-TO CahL Call Cali Jan 26 lly 11 ly The Press Press- Press Wayne Vayne 13 B Parkinson member of ofa ofa oa a Topeka Kansas Kansal fenily who cherishes ambitions to become Lecome the successor of ot Fatty F on the Silver lIver shee Thurs y y entered a 11 plea pica of not guilty he wac arraigned l on a bad check charge charse Parkinson tips the cales hear bear at more than SO pounds pound poun When arrested on New Years Year's eve Parkinson had several sel letters written by motion Ire actors Introducing him to 10 pcr persons in the Industry In roll oo Hollywood 1 J Each ach ot of the letters described d his rc resemblance em- em blance to Arbuckle and tol told 1 ot of o his ambition to become a famous screen screen comedian |