Show TOY TODAY Where Loew and nd Mayer Work Emphatic Emphatic A Grief Grief A Little Revolution Revolution or Orthodoxy By ARTHUR BRISBANE Copyright 1926 By the Star SIal Co C The British annoyed by tile ti dominating power of ot America American moving pictures strive to tn Inject life liCo IF Into nt the t British flint film They should study American America methods lu In California last tast Thursday fc tor Instance at midnight when hen goo British moving picture men i are at asleep a n thousand mana managers ers mi me r directors stars and an in the lh supers were ere working Metro yn studio at er Cul Cull Loew and an anLouis a City where here Marcus Louis Mayor Mayer grind out their i pic ph tures lures The studio Is a city I Itself lighted automobiles mot Ing ins about under internal poli police control and bright as day at a midnight The amazing thing In that hat pit pic ture tore city which works day am and night Is the energy prompt ac- ac action at lion tion instant obedience of ever everman every man wan and aDd woman engaged In la pro p duclion no army Is la better beller drilled The British Investigating Apse lean Ican moving pictures will learn lean lea that success Is Js based on Thomas Thoma Edison's prescription Ten pe rent cent inspiration 90 O per cent per per- p British moving picture gentlemen gentle genii men demand lemand a moving movIn picture quota compelling British ex ex- exhibitors to o include three British Urns in every ery eight exhibited U ll that hat law passes American pro lacers should buy more theatres In n England The British respect properly rights and will not liTe- liTe f forbid a a man to exhibit its ls own pictures in his own the th atres tree Suppose we I told the British Brills that list they must include three American ships slips In every eight ships hips that they hoy send to American docks That would woul 1 seem to then them ll but it ft would be do do- do di Ins Ing to their shipping what they the are arc re trying to do 10 to one oue ot or our big big- biggest gest eat industries Russia celebrates the second anniversary of Lenins Lenin's death now v noi calling ailing him Father of ot Ism As Russia establishes a It government based baaed on o human uman nature and not on theory as S It must do Lenin will still be admired as the man who SEd i the to In Lenins Lenin's honor all 11 offices factories restaurants era closed dosed cities and towns were ere draped In to red and black back Including the sale ot of liquor quor forbidden Man always socks to express grief grid in an ur un un- un usual wa way I When Alexander lost his horse hors I that he conquered as asa a a boy ot of 12 U and md rode In tn many bat bat- bates ties es ho he felt that something must mustI be bc e done He commanded that the I manes Lanes and tails of at every horse I and lad mule mulo In Persia should bo be shaved sha paved That dl didn't do any ny good but it made Alexander Alexande feel ei better When a big African chief died die they hey used to kill Ida his wives and slaves laves and throw them into Inlo the grave crave rave with him When a II rich tich ric American merican dies he be usually squaw pel's lers ers money on some mausoleum mausoleum Cor r himself We are all savages savage In r some degree A doctor of at Marion 0 eon cond vinced that he knew all 1111 there was as to be known about the other side Ide of the grave left letl this order I r want no minister and no hums bum huir bugs at my funeral Just cremate my ly body and scatter the ashes allies over eer the graves grave a of ot my mother and ad father A little Is Id a I dan dan- d n erous thing The man who rc re- re fers rs to clergymen as humbugs with ith more experience would have known sown that religion alone ha has made ade life liCe and death endurable Cor n millions of ot human beings who calls himself the lord of the mountains the man that Theodore Roosevelt wanted dead or alive Is cap cap- captured by a better bandit AM Krim AbdEl-Krim Krim El-Krim Krim now rides magnificent white while Arab Arah horse but allows him to keep four tour of at his wives Ives chose those the tour four youngest but Isn't happy and constantly demands to be killed at once saying the prophet will receive me in to Heaven The unhappy Moorish bandit hollen with wilh dropsy a captive humiliated actually believes that Mohammed will be waiting In Heaven to welcome him We all know that who ho killed many captives and strangled some of o his wives wires with his Ills own long hands bands will au surely rely go to hell holl hellIt it If there is such auch a place plate But Dut he doesn't know It ft and therefore be beIs lie lieIs hiis Is happy Religions of ot various kinds are the comfort of ot the human race Professor Protessor Millikan head of ot the California Institute of ot Technology calls caUs evolution the most roost sublime conception that has ever entered the mind of ot man a universe dc de- de t through a a d definite com com- comprehensible system of ot ordered change He lIe calls cans evolution more dignified tied fied and plau plausible than the ortho- ortho orthodox orthodox dox view that all fishes Insects and other animals ere made presumably In male mall male instantaneously by will 1 man being made last alone and then as an afterthought woman created b I putting Adam to sleep the recorded uso use of cut cutting tin a rib out of ot his body making that Into a woman |