Show I FUN FUNERAL RAlS I I ISM Services Service for lor Lawrence e 11 J I Vat aI W t- t kins L L D B S missionary who died In Ontario Canada vre re held on Sunday at nt 2 S o'clock In the Ogden tabernacle with Bishop E B S Green of oC Kaule presiding Opening pray prayer was given elven by Castle Murphy and benediction by Counselor John JohnA JolinA A Bartlett Mrs Mr Eary ry Farley sang J I Know Inow My lly Redeemer Live Lives Ray Hay Cox sang sane The 1 Riders of Israel Ill 1 Ii Go Where You Want Mo Ms to Go was waa sung unc by Ray nay Mitchell an and 1 Trusting b by Wil- Wil William Wil William liam S Wright ht Speakers were Counselor T R Po Jones Edmund Un who accompanied the bOdy from Canada Judge Jude no non D n R fl Roberts nobert President George Georgc E H Drowning President JOSel Joseph h Quinney of ot Lo- Lo Logan Ban Lo-Ban gao gan president othe of the Canadian mis- mis clout dOli Apostle Stephen r L ni Richards har and I Bishop bop Gr Green Greco n The pallbearers pallbearers ers era were relative t Mutual offIcers ot of Kanesville llIe ward s-au-d took charge charse of h flowers Interment was made In the City cemetery where th grave lave was dedicated by Green Services Service for Mrs Mr Irs Emma White wife wiCe of W H II White were wre c held on Sunday at t 1 o'clock In the ward chapel with Bichop C A presiding Jed tyne sang ane AH MI the th sight t Ight and Miss Edna Har HarJ sling sang Ny I Faith In Tbt Thee e A A duet was sung lS by Miss lIss Hardy and Mr Ballentyne Come Unto Me Mc Ie The Th vio yb- vIo- vIo vIolin violin lin un prelude was given by Charles Charlls Guernsey by ONeill O'Neill Opening prayer was given given Riv Riven en by by Fred Burdett and benedic benediction tion by Counselor Dirk were WC Bishop Bichop 1 T 1 B 13 Wheel Wheelwright wright right A L Cullimore an and 1 Bishop Halverson The Daughters of ot Plo Plo- Pioneer nears neer had charge charse of or the flowers Interment was waa JUI made mide In the City cemetery and the grave de dedicated 1 by John Watson Walson Services for tor Wilbur Wllbur J 3 Doomer were held on Sunday rooming J at 10 o'clock at the parlors parlor of ot the th Eirk- Eirk Kirk Kirk-endall I endal mortuary with the he Rev Tes T Tester ter I P I agen 1 pastor of ot the he First Methodist Episcopal church oUt oUt- cIe r I R n Walker sang sans There Will 13 lIe No Xo Tears in Paradise I Soh Fol ol lowing bowIng servIces the body hody wag ship P pd ped 1 la to t Bozeman Loseman Bozeman Mont where In ln torment will tale take place for tor William Iliam M N I Lloyd UnIon Pacific engineer will be beheM beheld beheld heM held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the KIrkendall chapel with the Rp Res Lester Iester 1 1 Fasen Pagen of bite he Methodist J church officiating 1 will VII be mad ado mudo In In the Mountain View cemetery emele 7 The Che friends of OC who died l morning may mayview mayview view the bo bohy at n chapel this evening tr 7 O'ClOCk The body v ll ill i Tu Tuesday lid It morning to MoiO |