Show t TINY A MOUNT OF WHISKY SEIZED I Raid On Home Said to Ilave Been Caused n By Neighbors I Arrest of oC H ml 1 Td at 2 00 rant avenue by police police- polk vice anti iu d rS on Ott a co of oC hay hay- hav ing lug liquor n In n hi his po lon can nees s onI onI on be 10 attributed to pare I his part pan according to O George te The officer hi his premo prem- premise s I and anil rc re re- re rei cf liS sea lale late Satui dy clay y small amount mount of ol i ported 1 finding a whisky In two tw kegs io 10 i a wheel wheelbarrow harrow barrow in lh- lh Ih b In numerouS nun fla Phillips said verc also obtained I IHa iho he ho precaution to Ha Had Ucal 1 ho h n la-n la n I rinse the kegs kc aid It 1 after toI I I them i l rs rs would hilve ben cn un l l o to 10 gain enough nough evidence 10 to cause calise an Ln ar- ar arrest ar arrest rest It was WItS Attorney n fi II H k It- It tip tip- l ap in police court curt to today lay auld and I t In n A R pa ii or of u not nol guilty for forI tenta tenta- tent The was ard ely ti-ely aCt ct for Cor trial rill on Ic l 4 or G 6 I Neighbors are Mid uld tc to t have ha corn com com that an lard was carry carry- carrying tog ing on a businESs busin at his Ilia bl enle |