Show Ii SEEK WORLD HONORS ON ICE I I I u I IL These star I Ice e skaters will compete for tor world laurels In the Ice carnival to be ed at Saint John N B D Jan January uary 26 G to 28 S Inclusive e Charles Gorman German Is Canadas Canada's pre pre- premier pre premier mier speed skater hold holder r of the world indoor and outdoor tor yards and Is a former International In- In I champion Ills IUs home IsI Is I Saint John I JOI E CIL CHARLES CILLES LES CORMAN X Joe Joo Moore Is a native of NewYork W York City and has held the Inter Inter- International International national Indoor title for years Hes He's dang rous In any any competition Harry Kaskey haskey I 9 the fellow that d the tho skating world In 1923 capturing ca the and States titles In He was to Charles harles J Jew w- w In the international meet the year ear 1 lives In 0 |