Show I I I II I t ROY COW TAX 1111 D SEl IT 11 YOU bOV BUY ARGENTINE ANTS s f t By Dr XE Copyright 1926 un by The Star Co This con reu hould change the Ih unwise e Inheritance tu ta Ia that dia dis coura effort A punitive Ii tax taz taIs Is cowardly because It Hikes money mOMY moM from front a I dead man Why hv not t ot take it him while he ho Is b alive tn- tn in Instead stead of or waiting wallin to take It from his Is widow a and d children It Is an e t tax x by b such euch uch a tax n ini-n ien ot of o mid mid- middle middie die dle at th the th hl height iH of ot their ability but tut facing possibility bt or of death 1 dread new un- un un The death lax IU collectors collector might find th their lr affairs too much spread out and d the r restate estate by tax tao collecting To Jo lake tu from the living and let the dead alone would bo be bea a a II good pia plan Sir Ir lr Mellon billion and President Coolidge i rec recommend it A particularly vicious proposal which would make la tax worse than lh n it Is now Is If that the government should dis discriminate criminate against t states tatOs ts like Fior- Fior FIor Flor Ida IdaH that collects coll no inheritance nce t tax IX The plan would be to give II a dead man credit for his local state inheritance nce tax tax Ih the nation collect collect- collectIng collecting log Ing only as az an a the state elate tailed failed to collect or the total red fed eral tax x In other words as at Coonel Peter 0 O Knight ot or Tampa T pa points out the scheme would be tie tar for the fed fed- federal federal fed federal eral government go n to collect from II a aman i man mail dying In Florida five lve times time timea as a much as u frani a man dying In tn another r state Even E If such a tax were constitutional con It would b be extremely stupid To punish the citizens of or Florida or ot of any other state because their local government has he the decency to leave lean it Its Ita oft off the prop orly orty of o a deal dead man Is Co a c strange strang suggestion I This Is written in Fred Harvey Harveys hotel In Barstow Bartow California on o the Mojave des desert rt W V T Kesler of or Pasadena brings you here hero from Pasadena driving a a powered high car in three hours and anti a hall half over a road that thit runs along the base of giant mountain UI up uia over ove the Cajon pass paso paa feet teet high then thin down upon the floor of o tills this thi desert desHt which is ta s 2001 2000 feet fett above the level of o the Pacific No matter where live yo you In the United States mike make m up your mind to Bee see this country a as ae soon Roan as you youcan youcan yoi can of all alt the counti that lI lies lie s between the two oceans Whoever Who Who- Whoever ever will all 11 can do 10 lo It f and grandly or economically and an with Ith Infinitely greater enjoyment One man In Chicago read about he Hodge Brothers alfalfa ranch near ner the Hodge and railway station elation Just west of at Bars Ban tow Bars 10 tow He Ic made up his mind to see seethe seethe the desert land lanel on which you can raIse raIse seven senn crops of at alfalfa per year b by ln gi giving water 10 co I the mar mar- mar fertile land He bought a hand Ford ell cil for tor 35 drove dro here from Chicago in 11 days fixed the car up a little an sold It for 55 Now he bl Is ln living here and getting on This land far tar tram front being a real desert Is as u fertile as S the Nile le valley lacking lacking- only tho the Vile Nile water on the surface The deep soil soli Is lute like the rows s of books bools in a great library What you get gH out or of them depends on what there Is In you ou Here the water ater a great Inex- Inex Inex Inexhaustible river lies just below the surface and the electricity to pump It brought down from wat- wat waterfalls wat waterfalls In the rn ul Is cheap For Por It takes takes pounds ot or water to produce one pound of ot alfalfa on IT 11 acres the Hodge Broth Brothen n raised this se season on tons thos and pumped pound of ot water Power cost coat for fr the thc season lIson was s Just No worry about rain raland and constant opening crop a crop In 2 2 days day ays Get your car big or 0 a little start for the Hie Pacific coast keep going until you ou get ther there Stop at lodge o Just west I of and get the e lodge e Brothers Brothen to tell you about t this desert In years vears i come It will produce fool food to reed feed and more Everything that thai grows will wilt gro grow v here When hen you finish with your our r seventh crop of or alfalfa In Nom Nom- Nov m- m ber you can go so traveling raveling or bet bet- better better better ter start raising onions the winter the big akin onions of which three or four make a quart and a half The Tho thing In this laud land is the Infinite variety of or work that can an be done Near Nea this sta- sta station eta tion are lire mines mince that thai produce many man things from gold to limo and silt silt- silicon con There Ire are cement factories that will run fo for tor centuries s without having d perceptibly the mountains of or stone And there are aro roads and land to b ba be bought ought most rea rea- reasonably reasonably Land that will Trill work woric and produce for tor the man roan willing to work Tou Tau have beard heard of or Gods God's coun- coun country country country try This Is It the placa pla to raise the place for a life lire Worth worthwhile while hUe Only the Argentine ants a nuisance to the fruit man do not like the place for good reasons reason Mans Man's superior Intelligence uses the ants anta family devotion to de- de de stroy both ant and the young In Mr Kesters Kester's wonderful Pu Pas adena na garden you see eO a d a d examine many little tin boxes each con con con- taming a a sweet syrup mixed with witha wit a dealy If JC the I he lovin loving 10 mother ant lint ate ats her ller fill rill that would be bad enough she would die But she hC hurries home with her syrup feeds nearly all of or It to her young oung family taia what hat is islet let left and they all alt die Thus higher preys pres on lower Intelligence We think there Is 1 I a demon with horns wait wait- waiting alt log ing for tor us us and that everything 0 would be 1 perfect perfect but but for that de- de demon de demon mon moo The ant int thinks the demon Is two legged and goes gou about planting little tin Un boxes full rull or of poisoned s syrup We 0 murder unta ant and their young oung by the millions and to us that Is 18 l absolutely all right Nature wipes us all out and anti tome come even think that Is Ia the end of us Even en it If It were which It i li not that would be right In the ces c ea ot of wit wit- wisdom wis wisdom dom dorn as high above ours oura as ours aura Is above that of at the ants |