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Show i j-- v. L- UNCLE SAM A Remedy That lias Such Endorsements Should Be In Every Home. CUSTOMS - t O'- ' - a rV, - Traveler Telle of People Low In the Scale of Humanity, Iierr UH'r:.ar.l von Schlopp, nffio has ep!oreil the Inter! ir of the Kam--- 1 eruns dHi ' In citron Africa, gives an luttie t.ng acoiuut of tie native if Le cal id the I'.uI.o.oj. They are. le Li'ie-tro- , tf Sviiut.c orgin, and. having lived la Uro Ka;i.er..i.s distr.ct are called onlj atin; j t ai u Htver. They gov .s ly stra .1 of a is ot a c i i a by i elders," wit- at:, itt is to jSge iff r.i'.era If gaillless they ss gu Itv or e i are set fin, if gvilty the, are put to de..th, tois U'ng tl.e on y folia of punts , iront Known there. Accirltng to tLe gravity of the crime, the manner of execution varies, and may Le simple" or 'complicated." "SntpV evccution means being thro an to the crocodiles. "Com-n- l rated" oecut'on ci nsists of being fastened to a tree and left to be eaten by casual vJsitoia. such aa Hons and tigers, or being tortured until death - J 'Z. . -- .0 'V,'7 7'? OF AFRICAN TRIES. v - 'f-w- .! . i 'X0 , f I cornea. Cannibalism Is practiced by the not because they especially care for the flavor of the meat, but because they feel that by eating every particle of an enemy they are aubject-.nhim to the greateat Indignity Election Returns That Interest AIT Parties. SELJMHI L Dnunlao makmm and aals mar mas' S3.P0 vCx" may atAe manul aoturma In Him srerd. W. L. homnttof tllr oxpoI-loDouftat $ ronhoot r the rwtest Uer In th world ThrMrm Ul t le, r my lilt inf And pvi ernr the difference iwtvt ecu tUe hw leytiit her eir!n m h ie. If 1 In mjr fx Urjr md ih'ke of other o ke end the Mrli-r- r you would urn'er ued, hee nvule ns twi in. ru v rnuen nut nuirt to icnar, w ny uiry mum mni an pi tuu si ii y iv j imuKmt aud why tLo other $3 M show on Uid m&rkot htfiinelc v iluo than hnieer, nod are of W. tAoea man m . Uniif, yre iter any ale for liie yer endlnf .Inly imd, o ere VMO.oo. ' . L. I oii'i au.tr hi tee their voine ly ft nt pint hi name and price on the bottom. Uok (or take do ftubauiuia. bold ky Ahoe dealer everywhere, Hr AND WEAR, SUPERIOR IN FIT p COMFORT with hsehe the lAao Aw ram ntr'iuct'' t'.Od to $JQ M r hat fionplns Wn(t j ymri fed them tntnor n 0t , mmfrt ami wtitr to other cifteOcr, . &. frt i A, Drpi foH.. V. S. ini. Aevrom, HtekmtttM. IT. J3 H SB IT. L, ponrfo ue forne C!tkln In hie il.ftO phnea Corona CoH le conceded he tUo Uihwist ieteot Leather w4sis I'Mt CeTr Kyelet oiwti eiduiivtlj, nr. L OOUCLAS, fiiwettss, to Mmmmaohnmmttm. Women orators. Women apeak best when they retain their seata at table; the very fact that they are standing and facing their audiences haa a tendency to give the bravest of women stage fright, says What to Eat. Women orators have the advantage over men In knowing that their attire wllhave much to do with keep ng the attention of their audience. A pretty woman Jn a prjtty gown, a fan. a mutt, a Jewel, will told the eyes of the women listeners even If they do cot care much for the speech. Excellent Opportunity to Arranga far Your Reception at St. Louis, During tha Fair, Frea. If you Intend gclng to the Ixiuieiana Purchase Exposition. SL Louis, kite--I sourl, opened by President Roosevelt April 3utn, UU4, It will be very much to your advantage to correspond with Mr. F. IE Worsley, No. 41 L Dooley block. Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Worsley haa arranged to have all bla partl-- s met at the St. Louie depot and escorted to their lodglags, which will be reserved In advance. Information relative to passenger ticket Umlti. hotel rates, rates and all other necessary Information aaked for will be cheerfully given free of charge. This will especially be of beneflt o these desiring to travel with Utah parties or la parties ef four orflveSrhoolteacbera nrtU slao hear something to their Interest hy writing above tarty. .. txnd- - iNXeXriON. New Method of Hardening Mctalv A re.v Pul'.r.tel vr of jig Iron m ft .Ut.i fa, lo n I", fc troduced in d carbon requ tll oltaine-14- y u I tala fiuea - ti, r.n.i :or tre to , v is aj,;. ,o that i'J CYtB 1.. 1 -.c . ul5 , j lJ: .I. V rul n a i.uxtui .iim. u of EllU.nai i?r! a and tte-1- , the red hot mixture l,ri- i u.( at ( m ir,,n t ,L ;lit lM . lS iit .i n o i i. s uic! is s i . uih it i i.i ti o ui 11 Ih.t o.jiots can le bn ulgn , atltti tt.'iri I ' a plate to or .! r o nii!iuKiea becomes tarl o!.liu'!i mi one :iu to resist the best tea ftrcJ . ttl .oo at Ho the other remain, wlill) ;eriiuet'ts were :na . with armor i !a ra A plate of cevent' kilo strergth was s.atared s x r4.l1 Acting on the Hint. meters rhick with the mixture, then a "Mine Is a fashionable congregasecond Jlite placed upon the lattei tion." whihcred the joung minister and Ibe taudwich ma ntai.ied at red as they enicred the pulpit. and I hope heat lor I couple of hours, after whii! ycu wjlj nyL use jnjy p vulgar' or It was cooled in oil. At a distance 01 pleblan terms to day. twenty meters the hardened .'.idea of I'll try not to." replied the the: plates received a dozen bullet preacher humbly. from a German rifle, model .8, WithAnd, turning to the assemblage, he out ahowlng sigr of, Hp. Stated : "My friends we will beg.o services by singing, "I love to embez ale awhile away!'" A Window Refrigerator. In tamtliee lucky enough to possess HJs Experience. an Ice chest or refrigerator it I genIn It the cellar, where erally placed la always cooler and where the Ice melts less rapid y, or sometimes It Is put out It the yard. Every time an article is wanted, even if It Is only a (rasa of Ice water. "It means a trudge up and . 4ov stairs, which. is very tiring to the housewife. A very compact and convenient substitute for the refrigerator Is shown In the llustra-tton- . It TUI be observed at a glance how nsefol it would be and also the time that would be saved. The Inside Compartments can beeranged to suit the Individual taste and the box placed Where (t would be roost easy It, barber.' to reach,. The idea of the inventor is Euxzyhcad Confound wbat are you doing with my hair? Did you ever handle the shears before to day? The Barber Yes, air, I used to trim hedges. .. .In Real Moniy, Too. Foyer "You temember whet gorgeous diamonds Mrs. Footlight used to wear on the atage?" Parket "Yes." Well, they were sold at Foyer fiawnbroker'a auction Parket "So? 1 suppose they brought - stop-over- 0, S5re Coma, DurJons, Galls, B robes. Contracted Muscles, Lama Back. Stiff Joints, Frosted Feci bums. Scalds, cis. InflamAN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, eubdues " mation, and drives out Pain. ' PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tbsnes, promotes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Muscles natural elasticity. - BHEUOATtSn ; er!r v ' - - 1 2330o AND $1.00 Co. Ballard Snow Liniment V. S. A. ST, LOUIS, , et - banks is one of the most apccessful and highest salarledtraveUing asleswomea in the WesL) gjaoo'fweS tf aVoM iukmmh wumi to rreewe Otter pnnini f 3Irs. Pinkliam invites all sick women to write lier for advice, Bhie haa ffuided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Maas. First 8tret Lighting,' In 1697 the New York stata council ordered householders to hang out lantern the first, street lighting tn America- - - ; jT.EA .. There are fewer nerves is countries the tea-drinki- ng Imagine a nervous Dutchwoman! M wen ! Yto -wf p X DaX - V Radio-ActivW00L A mv method for employing radium In mtdlclne fias recently been discovered by Dr, E. S. London, and consists of Using cetton wool which has WET WEATHER COMf OKI the. that the fects of the radium emanation and of the Brest action of the radium are the tome, consisting of an inflamma- Too eaa thfy thi hardnt atom lelth Tower Waterproof Oilod Clothing and Hata e Not Hard on tho Hors. Fuddy Oh. es, horseback exercise may be all right lor you. but Isn't It rather hard on the horse? Duddy I don't see wh it tbouM been lubmittet to the action of the be. You know I rest the horse right radius emanation. Dr. London, as the Im np te the air half the time. result of a aeries of expenmetts, has along; Boston Transcript. efconclusion retcMd Rowe. Morris, Summerhays Company asx Siranbcrry and Doslorc TEA end-v.ne- - v , g -- e o Hdd. Com Vegetable they have sever had pound, reason to be aorry. Your very truly, Mrs. Mat FAiRBAiraa, tlfl South Tib 6L, Mlnnoapolla, Minn." (Mr. Fair- 1lnkhagaa and , Voice of Experience. FADELESS DYES rmt t ' "I ks mm4 ywiv riBH MANO tllckcr tori res' as eaa Wwtto bad fully sy thst I anything glv sne to toeefe mmb tort an MtidMIltoU Bnetotod find any enlto tor tnothw ." an wnjwnw) mo svr hS Mu (to ' OUR OUARANTK II BACK Of TNte HON OF THI fISH A.J.TOWEi CO. rtiSNBtS Atotm, tf. A A. torn CAMMAM CO. a m limited TOMrOg 6MAM FL HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, FURS, Etc. Wes disappeared, and I again felt the glow of health through my body. Bine X have been well 1 have been more careful, I have also adriaed a number ef nr sick friends to take Lydl E lcSimg, !5.90."r TEA sets I Lydia II. Plnkliamg Vegetable (loni pound faithfully, according te directions, and waa rewarded la a few weeka to find that my ache and patea . o Lamb& Persian ' , tion On the skin and the destrnctlcn of Ufa He subjected a number cl CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY HlLl-'-S substances, including cork, paraffin, paper and cotton wool, to radium ev all enueeiaTS poe VM.oaT, -- KEYEH FAILS and found that they would go. vm mouth. Ae osHat ITOMUH AnS (OWIts.... produce Inflammatory (fleets on the kin. The wool, ow.ng to Its spongy Salt Lski City, Utah. Nsldan-J'jjso- n Dra; Ca., General Agents. nature, teemed to absorb 'he largest Give a very naughty boy a quantity of the radium em3sat on, and consequently "a as the most radioactdainty cu p of fine tea, and see ive. Accordingly, Dr. London carried on fuflier experiments with wool so his face change gradually I treatei which he found waa most aOUQHT AT TO MARKIV FklCt. BV iccnvealent for easy distribution ever MENU ALL IN ENGLISH. tf" the body and ready application at any SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WRITS FOR PARTICULARS Plain Names at Banquet Given te En- - desired po.nL The "emanated wool, wben'pncked in hermetically sealed glish Lawyers. Jars 9 other containing vessel, loses Justice Grantham, treasurer ef the lt radioactivity very slowly and can No City for Capital. Wales wants a capltil, but, though Inner Temple, says the London be test to any distance desired.. ' ' Introduced an English menu, ' s i the tearch has been going on for Graphic. In dinner Grand the last there it Day been has found ro preyet city 'Plan to Cam the Thame. yrtrs. jrhlch It was stated: "We call things suited for the honor. The FtHCDjrcr DepertHHJtt of the liimois eminently names in English that you' ' A 1S I cptnmUslon Is ctnsiderlng their by Central KmIImm Company oaverfyenUy1 wfticn the dimming of the River Thames at may know they are no eddmerts, AmCtrcuiftr No. IM ft pubheatloo know m demiribed the or kickshaws disguised under, Londoa- As there la a difference and low tide of eighteen some foreign or unknown name." The best territory ia this country marks the woman Her tea ; all larger vessel must twwty or to was salmon said be Ssh tn fcet, fresh tor the growing of early 'triwberfis xndArfy id uch prodpeur end some lit-- ' be tiadled la docks which can be aught Vegetables Every deaT to hould addreaa a postal tatd the undorsined .but so does her coffee; and closed by tidal gates. 1 he object of le fishes whitebait from the Thame I of, town, reijueauhg atyopf publiq'ie, 12. them but of called No. knot deviled, , they this ccsimiesloa ia to devise means for Crcuj.ir she marks both. j. T. MEHKY. Asst Genl Pasa r Agent ilso do come from the Thames and dolnf away with this lficdnventence. Twr froeet retwvw jrewf wo y If yw 4amt ml from the River Etyx." Snipe and and ffio Increasing the shipping far.L x tengues garnished with "Morelia ftles of the port. Among the plana r- - r ' To Introduc the mm. 'n jr-- n and elmpleet cherries was the next course, followed present'1!! is one ct cotrtructing a C. C, latest Facilities. Improved Milling home dyes, we Will iamb and hams from the "ancient great dam across the Thames from Floiifl mhklng TmdT'wheat-ralsliigo ay send free a package of Laundry Itle of York." The last Rem wa Grsvswhd to Tilbury.' This would Ten the to anyone past Ja sending twenty hand, hend.,Puricg Bluing fatted qualles from Egypt, and then convert the river into a great inland Cents for a package of has been years the milling Industry om aparrowgrasa." - lake extending from" Gravesend to Dvesi revclutlon'rsfl; Richmond. At the point selected for Hfn. V uuios'i Roothlmr Ayres, Railway Own Staircases. the d toe river bed la ct fine cfialk, Thoy color anything any co o fserhlldrsw Mstblng. softm II fin, r aq A W Dresses. Carpet Rage, lims Ja London the stairways and ele- and tb structure would give a naviga.sllsys ysi.srs wlml calls. Msayusua. Foreale wanted. etc. State color vators used tor tecesa or egpess from ble depth of tblrty-flvfeet at Graves- Glass Bricks for Building. by all dealers. Address Lamb's tfce stations of the underground rail-rea- end aid thirty-twat London feet Persian Dya Co.. Salt Lake City. - Glass hcuies of a-- very substantial do cot occupy any part of the bridge, without any dredging. The Bllealan now. built be glass street kind can The railway companies had dam would be of concrete, makers r turning out glass bricks to buy apace tn a block where they proposed When Answering Advertisement faced, and the four locks 300, granite of aorta purposes. building all for wanted a station. Kindly Mention TMe Paper 600, Tdd hd 1,000 feet, and from 80 to 10 f1 t wide. The estimated cost is l9.0OO. As all the docks could he leflcpcn there would he an annual P-UTNAM saving of IftO.OOO te the cost of op.---.I Oae lOe Metis eWot vHS. eeat 4 Mt vow Hr n tiH t, fixnntMe t d vwfeH the fafpv. tedvreetort this sT MAW Sw. erating Mv M ta Ire West to Wnls MuAMoM Cetera. MW-Ore, OH t 1 , Dxab Mbs. PcmiM : lynoranee and neglect are the cause of untold female au3ering, not only with the laws of health but with the chance of e cure. 1 did not heed the warnings ef headaches, orante pains, and general weariness, until I was well nlgn prow trated. I knew I had to do something. Happily I did tbd right thing. X took . e p Compound,. n, Unabl te Distinguish Red. The most common form of color blindness la an Inability to distinguish red. Last year thirty-fou- r officers and would be officers of the British mercantile marine service failed on their color testa, twenty-threbeing red blind and the remainder unable to distinguish green. The 4,600 candidates for certificates were also submitted to the form vision tests and twenty-twof them failed te distinguish the form of the object submitted. BE SVRE YOV GET THE GtflUINE Vegetable I . They drink more tea than we do, six to one. - Mrs. E. A. Simpson, 800 Crslir St. KnorvUls, Tens.,- wTltrs: "I have been trying the belts of Hot bprtnrs. Ark., for sciatic rheumatism, but I or anybollard Snow Liniment than any nutdietan ret more reliefevf--from OU. Send me thing I have r iHrci. Inclosed find postoOlce order for II. large bottle by boutlu.ni Express." THREE SIZES! Foy " es TEA BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCZ TRIES ALWAYS USED SCIATIC a neat. little itun . a sure Cure' rl CURED to-da- Fairbanks tells how nc gleet of warning symptoms will soon prostrate a woman. She thinks womans safeguard Is Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable iMrs. School for Salesmen. The Cld Problem, A school for talesmen haa "How do you like housekeeping?, yened reeentlv In Chlcaga (wings on Bracktta. A Real Miter, . "Well," answered tte recently marA man tn Missouri who swallowed to fasten the chest, as tt might he ried man, It's only a partial success. h S cent piece back In the dart when cailevLVon awlngiag brackets Just eut- -j The people who come Jo visit uv are silver coins of that denomination were aide of the kitchen window, where It well enough pleased to stay a long sometimes seen has Just coughed It would he handy to reach.- - After tha tfme, but we can't get the servant , How strange that so dainup. We all of ns have had experiarticle wanted has been removed from girls to agree with them." Washingence with Individuals who required a the (best ty a thing should possess It, can be pushed back ton Star, very long time to cough op very1 small agalmt the wall out of the way. such a power! amount. Boston Transcript Another very great advantage la Quickly Concealed, urm tm tmwr ntm yaw that could be used In winter as well "My hoy," said the benevolent par-iogtoitoinnwa "I hope you do .not hide your as somer, aa In winter tha cold air i Chinese Cutiloe the Empire. jarould be sufficient to keep fresh all light under p bushel?" J number of Chinese outside of who Was The vcboed lhe lsdt articles. Ltght? peristablr Did j'ou ever hear of a Tb Inventor la 1L C. McCIung of learning to smoke te the barn. "Why, China U estimated at over 7,640.006. nervous Englishman? New fork city. when I hear dad coming I hide the whole cigar under n bushel" & ' Discontent. The pe;u.vik l.vaul tiro nigbt'ngale fn.- - : K 1 it Mtmt tas) to do." said the biff 1.4,1 '111 see if I can't s.l.g as vu II as that." At the a trial squawk that followed a mo.ni nt later every living th tig within luriig distvnee fled In urrir ' CuiM s on my fatal g.ft of bevitv !' exclaimed the peacock Why wasn't I made plain, like all the grtat must cians! " BEST G3DENTS "You have no idea, young man, how injur.ous tobacco ia! Why. the cfiect of nicotine" "But )ou usix snuff, air, and that la tobacco." Well, how o you expect me, to find out that It Is Injurious unless I . Heltere WelLr try itr Question of Grammar. understand- - you to say that In the mountains?" summered. you asked the man with a precise manner. ' ' Yea" WelL In stating where you apent the autumn wllK you taf that you' failed or you fell?"! - R U PHOEHIX HIGH PATEBT MADE BY CODER 77.-- L';LLI"3 & ELEYATC3 Cu, .' oauiN, utah. . ; , A Did A Ha a Groundless Claim. fine airger. Do "She clalnrti shell you think she ought to see a vocal '' . teacher?" -' ' - ' "No " 1 Who then?" "A claim adjuster." -- .An Impression, "Do yon think that music Is of any practical benefit te life?" answered Miss Cayenne, "Well, "lodging from the photographs of eminent violinists. It must keep the hair from falling out" ' - , t Still Has Some Hope. (gloomily) What makes yen think there 1 hope for me? Mis Kidder She told me she wn-hte- t mrv the best man livings Chumpl'-- y MEXICAN Musidng Liniment Cures Sprains and Stormiaa. e y - Hown.nl E. Barlon.- pftoM, Oe)4L.(3iYr. r UmiisistA M: Siner F 4,K-.eV- 4 tl; Kul 14. MnuU4M4 MAllMr And fnt I prlo lti mo oa 4 MiiiNk VmUtil And Lmplr work oHU4 OoUa CrtNtAt Ha ftoo. tUli JTOHM OUU 4tA( CO. ntotf Hie fitotlto tot Edtotfif nnfj wf Sons nvNVru. COLO ITtS Srmii.il,- Snmslto b- - fr.it When Anewerlng Advertisements Kindly Mention Thi Paper. W. N, U. Salt Lake-N- o. 40. 2E52C5 t ttiUI ISO-A- . U (lit Beet Urueh sjnin. Ttetee Cuni. Oto to trint, ONSUMATIO I pw |