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Show Itiiiinwii) IIIdcIc, Terminated with an ugly rut on the leg of J II Orner, Frantl'n tiroie, HI. Itdeielopeda ittlbborn ulcer unylelcl-ing unylelcl-ing to doctori and riuinlle for lour jwmi. Thin Ilucklen'i Arnica Salve rured. Iti just at good for bumf, icaldr, ikln eruptloui and plln. 24c, at lkiy-dvn'tdrugilore. CONeTII'ATIO.V. Health ! nbiolotelr Impoiilblt, if comllpatlon be prrient. Many terloui ciifti ol liver and kidney complaint bavu prung from neglected conitlpation Such a deplorable condition li unnecemry There ii a cult for It. Heroine will ipeedil) remedy matter!. (.'. A. Lindtay, 1. M ilronion. Flu , writei, I-eb. )2, 1D02 "Having tried Ilftblne, 1 find it a flue mtHllcine for uonitipatlon " 0o boitlo. sold by John Boydnu A bou. We cau do your job ork. ffliHBgaiaiaiiioMivjjjiiB-" Tb Ei(ttlilD(ltiilrrirurC"ntl''tloo "Ai a certain purgative and itomich purltler Chauiberlaln'ii btomach and Liver Tablet eeein to be tbe exact thing required, itronc enough for the inntt ro-bun, ro-bun, yet mild enough and ale for child, remind without that terrible griping 10 commou to moit purgative!," lay It. S, Webiter A Co Udora, Ootarlo, Canada. For tale by John Hovden A Son. .Ni I lie to Tiupiijcn. I will receive county taxeiat my office In the Caih Hargiln Store, Coalville, Utah, up to and Including the 15th day of November, IWt. Fiunk OmiT, deputy trcaiarer. Mhn u Haven lla.l C.il.l You want a remedy that will not only give quick lelltf but effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lung! and keep expectoration eaiy. You want a remedy that will counteract counter-act any tendency toaard pneumonia. Yon want a remedy that Iv pleaiant ami eafe to take. Chamlierlaln' Cough Iletntdy mrcti all of theio requirement and for tbe 1 peed y and permanent cure of bad coldi tandi without a peer. For tile by John Hoyden A San. The Country is Safe, W Ami an mv nil the People who Huy from Us. KT's' fthisisa GoodTime for Fall PI owing m MOLIHE FLOWS Always Escel. I r We catty the following kinds of these Celebrated Prize Winners: lH S'otcli Clipper Walking Plow, wood or steel beam I Kbw Kuofl Enoagfo Salkrj JTrowa, H WE bird plows f " I High Flgmg BatGBrnan Salkies, Wm famous pony plows, I Rotarg Bood Enough Bisg Etows, H NEBRASKA CLIPPER, steel beam. I SGGflerS, HarrOWS. GtG. H WESTERN QUEEN, wood beam. B 1 COUNTRY ROAD, wood or steel beam, WAGONS, HARNESS & SADDLES H I i4iWI4?0'tWei3l.'i30'WiW3;!!!WWttai. M i Don't Forget Our Line of Furniture. M We aro tho People who havo tho Finest Goods at tho RIGHT PRICES. H SUMMIT IMPbEMENT 60. W.L.HANSEN, Mnnnger. 1 t CASH BARGAIN STORE, Coalville, Utah. I Laa j We submit the following price quotations of H Necessary home goods with the belief that any- H )?fe buying same goods from Eastern Catalogue H Houses and adding express or freight charges ,H Ooc of Our Many Shoe Bargains. Resale Pmo j I A Ladies Fine Genuine Dongola Shoe. Pnt- g of Table OH Cloth K2g M ent tip, most popular toe, all solid Sires 3 to 7. lias ndvanceil lately nil additional 25 cts per H g roll of 12 yards, but we still sell best grades H IPKIOIE, S1.25 S FoncyPoiiierns, IQeispryd ,,, , , gMiKrblestZXWoods, 20 ,f M Kotltiiig equal to it ever sold in the county be- 2 H fbreatthePriceL Men's Lined Covcwt Cloth Coats Wcarc showing a nice line of Slrctt aud House 3 Vcrv warm anil "serviceable. Will not absorb H , . water or snow Scams rip-proof. H Lined Shoes and Slippers, g Uon8t sizes 3G t0 40t . . $U5 H Ladies lined street Shoe patent tip, TC.y sty- lg YoutlS, Sizes 32 to 34 . 1,25 lisli. Would be cheap at a.oo. i n - - . 90 1 Our Price, $1.65 per pair J5 ' ' I '. " M Elderly LadicsI.ii.cd Shoes Com- (MO ft g l-dCO CuNOnS (elegant patterns) lining comfort aud service, only wPl.OU pr JT Throo yds lone, good width 76o apaij,. B t Throng yds" " " G7oapai M Ladies Lined HOUSE SLIPPER, 65 cts a pair SJ H "nnTctseo7iito7ndiii While Enameled Curtain Poles 75C, $1.00, $1.15, $1.30 ComPleto "M Trimmingt, 30 cents a pair H All good value aud very cheap. fp (Don't pa 50ctta pair forihtm.) H Hlwfc 111 11 1 in ..mi iiiiiwiiii'h n. i n n .i i i jH Honeyauoklo Cache Valloy nnsweetonod 10 pin I fiirf jn Diinn Tnmo 13o pr can H Cream. Largest oan on market, per can, 10 Ulfl VJU1 Ho DIUD, UQ11D,2 cans, 25o H Clear Glass Gold Band Mug, good size, 10c Fancy Salt and Popper Shakers, 15c pr Wjjt Etched Band Clear Glass Table Tumblers, 6 lor 23c, Rich Engraved Tumblers, 6 for 40c B Fuji Tea, inllZC and 20c pkg. Best Imported Macaroni, S3pcup$efor 1 STAR LOBSTERS, 10 02 cans, 25c ech. Deep Biter Oysters, One, medinm size, 10c; large 20c MV IPjs Gopfl mm, 3sc io m 1 Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. 1 -i' ' .. mWBHI |