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Show TALK OF POLLY BAKER. bKbbB Heax ef Benjamin Franklin That InBaiiS Footed Freneh Historian. iLtt When Renjamln Franklin wat on JHh kla famoua minion In Pant he and isaH SUaj I)etae were one day dlscseslni iat9 the nuroeroua errors they found In jflHLHw! the Abbe Haynal s 'lllttorle dot Deux aHr(Tri lodes " when the author of that work flgaRrt . happened tn enme in upon thou. They tHSPute told the good man the subject of tbetr rmBBinry eonvertatlon, and the sbbe Immediate. Ttfii'' ly denied that thero were any errors Krftlr '' la hit blatory. wSKfF' Ills attention wat called lo the ttr-7 HtT? ' of a certain Polly Hiker, and an elo- Hhi ' i quent address which the abbe credit- yjBj.Jl ed her with making before a Massa- JmExM '''" ehusetti court Tht sbbe Insisted Hh i that It wat t tree stnry bill admitted BK y ' thst he coald net remember his to- aRtr3 thorlty for II I)r Franklin waa thtt tBSvr Ing with tsughttr during the protoala- BBSS""V tloni of the letrneil Frenchman swKSa At last he tsld "I will toll yoo, anULfi sbbe, the origin of thlt story. When ILBLtE I wss a printer snd editor of s sews- IHtMBB psper we were sometimes slick ol Hb98b1 sews, and to amuse our customers I gHMr uted to fill up our vacant coltrani bmBEBi with anecdotes and fables and ftnelet bBBHR of my own, and thlt tale of I'elly JaHgOkk tliker It ont of my making" naasafi |