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Show IKKWS SUJIJ1AHY. Fir bM destroyed on fid nt Ml Iowa of Marios, Mich, entalllag a ioaa ef ItOO.OM. The Japes rnrlts resident la the I'll I pplne Ulsnd have bn called to l ho oolora la I ha bald of Bhakbe rlvar. one natulan eorpa alone tost 373 escort and 7.1M man. Tba ratlmatns of the war department depart-ment for tlio fiscal ysr ending Jun 10. ISM, agaregat II0J.UW.7W). Tim 1'hltlpplne conmlaalon has granted Ilia right of eminent domain to raltroa.il eompanles holding charter. char-ter. A rtot of students In Milan reamll'd In a fight with tba poll'". In which several aitda wero vly la Jured. A oge In a mine at NanllanfcA, I'a, containing ton ralnara, fall a rtlatanc of 1.700 feet, (ba ImhII lialnc horribly mangled. Nina live wata loat u the result of tba ootlaps of a rarvolr located near thn eantar of Winston Balem 8. U. wh la four parsons war Injured. Bevn person wore Injsrad In A head-on ocllltlon near Ilrlilnw, I. T. Mlaondan landing of ordara sanaad n fra (lit and work train to collide, (la ran Hook. 01 jeers old, who at one t.me alilmrd to be middleweight champion pugilist of tba world. If dead In a Newark, N. J., haefrital. Ilurtltra entered the benk at Meeker Meek-er Vlnii. broke open the aafe with nltroglieario. wetirstl It 000 In currency cur-rency and made their escape on a hand oar. A potion compras company In Ok-lahomi Ok-lahomi liaa contracted to funiliti ISO.-000 ISO.-000 worth of rait Inn to a firm of Japanese) Japa-nese) fur Immediate shipment to Naga-fgkl. Naga-fgkl. The crulirn Olympla, Cleveland and Dei MoIdm, of tbo United 8tnl6a European squadron, Hear Admiral Jewell commanding, havo arrived at Olbraltar. ' The stite department rejtlrert n ca-JJjijiaiee)ii ca-JJjijiaiee)ii iw Mtm.MremTAmtCttmayatanonnc'i f )ng tho dwtrucllcn of tlio Ataerloan consutitt there, together with valu-able valu-able r a peri. A handrail pcreoni wero drowned by lbs slaking of the Kronen steamer Olromlo, after hating been In oolllaloa with ths Preach steamer A. Behldmi near llerblllon, Algeria. i The American evnngellati. lorry and Alexander, tpenoil a Ihrta mouths' revival In I oodon Hunday. In a build Ing that had been apeelally erected i for the purpose, with a mating capac- 1 lly of 13.0(io 1 The vtlui of the luerohandlte and prcduee ihlpment from Ban Francisco I to the Orient In OeLber wai I1.8I7,- I SOI which li mora than one-half of ! the total shipment from there to all I porta In Cat menth. l Tho body of Mr Oharlea Hunter, M colored, lira at tbn rounty morgue In H Chicago, unburled, because. It It al- M leged by the huaband, the Olobe Mil- B tual I Ife Inauraure utacclat on baa B refu-ed to remit on a ro"'J' H General! Csndtlerla and Oambem- H tlo. In'iirgfnt Imdera, who reoeatly H revol'ed agalmt the Mn OHulngin H government, vilth their rol'uwera, have Hj atirrendered and peaee prevalla H throughout the ontlru republlo. B A maahed man, nrinl with n platnl. H entered Oartera aatoon at Cottonwood, LB Cal acd Usei up aU man with their Bm facet li the wall and their banda orer Ah th ilr beada, wbIM lie relieved them of H ISO) li eaih etui 1,K00 In rheeka. . MH ItiiattA probably will decide to lg- H nore the Japauva protnet regirdlsi R llti'tlnn troopa wearing Ch'neae H clrthre, at Japan did ' eai of the llui-l-n prtt at In regird to the Kne- H tltn torptto boU dt'trorar 0eltrnl, ffW cut out oX Chlfoo ha rim by th Jena- HK cere H The enact reoelpti of the llrltt-Oana H nt'vo onnleat war 111.7(0. Of thla B auni th tlrhler rtoeteaaj TO Hr oaal, H which aaaounted to tM.iwi. Aa (lana K by winning reoelved to per cent of the m fighter' ihir. lie and nrttt eaeh e4 H, . r ed away tlt.tn. jBK I) J. UcCue, for two termt mayor BB ' of Cbarlclteavllle, Va., and for many B1 eara a lawyer at th bar before which ffj lie waa triad, baa bean found guilty V of murder In th flrat dogra as tho bb1 charge of ha ring killed hit If. Thl 9SM oarrlai th death penalty ffHi Jim Wo Kee, a Chlncae laundryman of New York City, la dead from sin BSji terrible wounda on bit bead and face, received during a fight In bit laundry with a wblt woman oomsaaloa Th V womftfl iittackvd him with a oleaver JH while he waa aaleep |