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Show NEWS SUMMARY. SOUTHWEST NOTES. robbel tu fill, on the town of Marlon, Mich, eutalhug a lo.a of !2f'0,0r0 Thu Japan-!- ' reservists rvilenls In the Ihil iiu Islands have been called to tbo colors. In the battle of Shakhe river, one Russian coils alono lost 273 officers and 7.100 men. The estimates of the ;war depart ment for the fiscal year ending Jun 30. 1900, aggregate $103,080,780. tragedy. calibre small a with While playing The Philippine commission baa C year-olboy of granted the right f eminent domain fine, JqhiLjyler, Hamilton, Mont., shot nnd fatally to railroad companies holding chasdaughter of te ra. wounded, the John MarveL A riot of students In Milan resulted A a one ''of the feature of the Lewis In a fight with the police. In which and Clark exposition, it la proposed were severely in everal students to bold a series of airship contests Jured. Similar to that which will take place A cage In a mine at Nantlcoke, Pa , at SC Louis. containing ten miners, fell a distance A body Identified a that of E. M. of 1,700 feet, the bodies being horribly Nordberg. first mat of the ship SC mangled. . Francis, was found floating In Tacoma Nine lives wese lost as the result of harbor by an officer of the revenue the collapse of a reservoir located near cutter Grant S. C, the center of Winston-Salem- , Martin Keogh, an eccentric charac- while four persons were Injured. ter, was found dead on a country road Seven persons were Injured In a Bear Butte. A slash from a knife head-ocollision near Bristow, I. T. across the Jeft wrist, severing an Mlsundent imllng of orders caused a suite plainly showed It was a freight ami work train to collide. ease of suicide. Ceirge liooke, C2 years old, who at Peter Faure, a wealthy sheep own- one time claimed to be middle-weigh- t er, living near Walla Walla, became champion pugilist of the world, la despondent because hla wife, from dead In a Newark, N. J., hospital .whom he was separated, refused to Burglars entered the bank at Beckreturn to him, and committed suicide. er, Minn., broke open the safe with Taure took poison. nltrogljcerlne, secured $3,000 In curThe J. B. Sullvan salqon at Butte rency and made their escapo on a band was held up by three masked men and car. the proprietor, Sullivan, and three paA cotton compress company In Oktrons, lined np against the wall nnd lahoma has contracted 0 to furnish robbed. The bandits secured about to a firm of Japawoith cotton of 1M, together with some jewelry. nese for Immediate shipment to NagaThlrtycne Japanese, members of saki. the first re serves, left Seattle last The cruisers Olympia, Cleveland .week oa the steamship Kanagawa Dc Moines, of the Unitej States and a Want for Japan, In response to n Rear Admiral from the war departmenC This European squadron, Jewell commanding, have arrived at la the first call on the reserves since Gibraltar. -- the war began,! The state department received a caJesse Armltage, aged CO, sprang from Amoy, China, announcblegram Into Indian creek, near Virginia City, destruction of the American the ing Mont., to save his wife, who Is also consulate with valuthere, together f 0 years of age, and after a struggle able papers. la the watera of the swollen stream A' hundred persons 'were drowned be pulled the aged woman to shore, ' the sinking of the French steamer by find dead. to her only after having been In collision Gironde, In the vicinity Posies are atm out with the French steamer A. Bchlffino of Thenrcpolls looking for the two near Herbllkm, Algeria. bandits who filed t. Q. Middangh, Th . American... evangelists, Of ewbier tf the First National bank and Alexander, epenod a three months In rob an to the bank; Cody, attempt but the that the robera have revival In London, Sunday, In a building that had been specially erected been trapped la denied. for the purpose, with a seating capacOne of the largest mountain lions of 12,00(L ity ever seen In that section, was killed sear Bonita, Mont, by G. W. Gill and The valuj of the merchandise and H. L. Mullins. The lion measured produce shipment from San Francisco to the Orient In October was $3,837, -- bine feet from tip to Up. Gill and Mulone-hal- f of lins had ona of the exciting experi- 102, which la mure thaa the total shipments, from there to all ences of their Uvea In dispatching the porta In that month, anlraaL body of Mrs. Charles Hunter, The killing In cold blood of Marshal Hiram Bates of Coni Crek, a colored, lies at the county merpue la It Is alcoal mining town In Fremont crusty. Chicago, unburied, because, MuGlobe the husband, the Colo., by two negroes, Grsnt snd Wen-le- y leged by 1 He Insurance has tual association Thompson, whom he was trying to on a to refused remit policy. arrest Tor d'aturvanee. has mu ml the Generali Candelaria and Camfecm whits res'dents to Is'ue a warning to In urgent leaders, who recently Io, to the leave the negro population ' -levelled against the San Domingan camp. The body of a knan, badly decom- government, with their followers, have surrendered and peaca prevails posed. and with one aide of his entire the throughout republic. was wholly eaten away by coyotes, A niaxkel man, aimed with a pistol, discovered by Carl M. Ftandal cn the east slope of the main divide; says a rntered Cirtors saloon at Cottonwood, Butte dt' pitrh. There la no wy- - of I L'al and i.el up six men with their Ideal, fying the man, as there was faco-- i ti th wall and their hands over heads, whil hi relieved them of nothing oa him to give a clue to bis j f20) la ca h and fl.EOO In checks. Identity. Rus.-iJ. B. Mann was sentenced to five probably will decide to !g- in ncre his the Jaianeso protest regarding wife. the penitentiary snd years Nettle Mnn, to one year by Judges Rusl'.n droops wearing Chnese Chapman and Rice, at Cheballs, rlrthes, as Japan did tne case of the In regard to the Rui-rla- n Mann and his wife burned Fu3ri' prtt'-Wash. boat de troyer Rvesltelnl, torp!o their millinery ators in Cdntralla In cut out of Chefoo hirbo by the Japanese. August for Insurance money. Frtnk Wc'la, a wealthy stockman Th exact receipts eff the Britt-Gan- s . Uvln.tat Cimaprtg. Ore . left hl Ultya coniestwere $31,790. Of this home about a month ago In search of sit nr tha fighters received TO per cent,' winter icedlng grounds for hla cattle, which amounted to $22.21C. As Cans nd baa not been aeen since. Well's by winning received 60 per cerJ of the friends sre unable to find any clue fighters share, he and Britt each car-r.e- J to hla whereabouts and fear foul play. away $11,123. A terr.ble accident was narrowly D. J. McCue, for two terms mayor averted at Pendleton, Ore, by Patrick of Charlottesville, Va., and for many Scheurte, who slopped a runaway om- years a lawyer at the bar before which nibus containing a doxea small chil- h was tried, has been found guilty dren being returned home from of murdemln the first degree on the school, barey In time to prevent Its Charge of havlrg killed his wife. This colliding with a switch engine. carrlei the death penalty. Five prisoners who were serving on Jim Wo Kee, a Chinese laundrymaa the rock pl'e rng, and who had sen- - of New York City, Is dead from nln tencea of from four to ten months to terrible wounds on hla head and face, complete, escaped- - frenr th county Jail at Portland by sawing thefr way received during a fight la hla laundry through bolts, bars and locks, be- with a white woman companion. The tween the hours of 9 oclock at night woman attacked him with a cleaver nnd 7 o'clock the next morning. while he waa asleep. A man bora la a European country After four years absence, and after his wife bad retd a newspaper notice of a Chinese father and English mothof his death, J. Winfield Klmmls, for- er may not b deported from the Unitmerly manager of the Tinker hotel of ed States under the Chinese exclusion Long Beach, Wash., has returned to act, according to an opinion handed Portland. Learning that It's wife .had down by Judge H it In the United again married, he has not yet been to States District court. aee her. She was married a month The state department has received ago to Henry Kl'ppereTTSA elty en- k cablegram from the American emKlmmls, who bassy at St. Petersburg which wargineer's department, was one known along tn's rants It In the assumption that the mysteriously disappeared tu 1300. HJs Russian government wU soon agree wife read in a Kansas City raper of his death, and 'considered herself a to recognise passports of American Jews traveling In Russia. jrldow. 4 of $200 by ma feed baa tr.orn'ng of the 5tb Newso.i: from Goldfield, Nev , that E. 7C Colb ire, Jr. has been de) rulm-rand ported from that rjgj-f- by to return warned never Bill" Hatfield fchet an killed hla wife, Maud.,Sl then blew out hla brains at MeeUetse, Wyo It la said that Jealousy waa Hierauss of tho feT. BEST i 1 1 s MAKE HOME LESS ARTIFICIAL bad commentary on the physique of our young men that of 199 candidates who passed the mental examination at the Naval Academy this year, 114 were rejected becautq they did not come up to the physical standard. It appears to be easier to produce good book students than students wbe are good specimens physically. Athlete. are not necessarily healthy suh Jecta; in fact, moat of them overde ana develop weaknesses. What w need la more rational attention to tbt common seuae laws of health. No amount of book learning la worth much without the foundation ct good health, and at the pace moat of us. are. living these day good health la bound to be the exception Instead of the rule. You can find half a dozen scholars to one person who gives ary thought to tbo preservation of hi health. The average person goes on the principle 6f abusing hla health and relying on medicine to fix him up, instead of living In. n way to for stall sickness. The Beacon, Not one but will be the better for an outing, yet the one settled conviction that seems growing on the American people is that our homes are too artificial and conventional that they need not be so far from nature aa they are. W flee to the woods tor a part of the time because w are naturally barbarians. Civilization that is not an Im- It '' d la a . sum--taon- In the divorce court of CalThey mate for life, and remain constant through thick and thin cf vesture, through the better and the worse of the years change,. So Nt as I know, neither leave th other to look nicer household affaire alone. Neither takes a pleasure trip to the shore or the mountains or back east; no, nor does either frequent the social clubs of auch gregarious bird aa ft waxwings and the robins and the Elizabeth Grlanell mountain blue 1 In Sunset Magazine. appeared ifornia. -- VALUE OF ROUTINE ,V(0!t i Routine Is a blessed thlngwhen the something happen to reduc moral driving power which keeps ns going tha courage, purpose and good cheer that give" life present Joy aa well as meaning. It Is good In moments of depression or weariness that ther Is a rath marked out ahead each day which men follow because It la there; that there Is time which custom has aet for them to get up, to est, to work, to rest, to read, go to bed aealn. 'They move along the grooves of habit and get all the benefit cf their Inheritance and their experience. The general may qulthe Add for a time If be chooses the plan J and army has Its marching knows what Is expected of lV York Mall. rt IL-- SOCIETY AND LIFE ---- 1 . . Ih-'l- r t af cot o o o proved barbarism Is a burden and will be got rid of. Our homes are too complex; our cities too far from the grovea; our lives too far irom simplicity. Half our social life is artful and soulless. It naturally and easily props Into Intemperance and falsehood. The part of good citizenship le and toward a clearer-heartehome. Who shall dream the Ideal? Who shall dare to live the real? The Independent to-hel- clear-vlslone- d I What 'we call society Is vary narrow. Bnt, life Is very hroad t Includes "jhe whole world of pods cheerful, fallible men and woppji. It Is not only he famous people and the welldre'sed reople who ar fi'Orth nied'nr. It Is every one vti 1)S eoiripthing ' to commnn!rai J The scholar has something to say Jo me If bs he alive. But I would benralie the traveler, the mnuficlurer. h soldier. the good workman, the julM observer. the ur spoiled child. th skillful , housewife. I knew an old Geman living In a tenement whd said, little garden, ind God My heart Is Is psntlng flowers Jthere." i f ' ll fmt cultlver- - aon Jardla'V-ye- s. but not only that One shofid lesfn also to enjoy the neighbor' garden, however small ; the roies straggling nr - the fence, the scent of Jllacs ' drifting across the road. The real simplicity Is not outward but Inward. It consists In strglenea of aim. clearness of vision, grectnesS of purpose. opennes of mlid, cheerfulness of spirit, sincerity offend and affection, gentle candor of speech and loyalty te the best that we know- - I have seen it In a hut I hare aeen It In a palace. It la the bright srnament and badge of the best scholars in the school pf life. Henry Van Dyke, In ; , Harper's Magaxlne. wo-i"n- CARING FOR CONVALESCENTS. WMAMMWTO- - u. looking out-- for the ieaUst of patients authorities have bee too apt Is to spend money and ns tbs most so. entitle appliances os the buildings without consulting the needs ef conModern medkint takes valescents. Into account not only the body but also the soul and the Intimate connection between these. Cheerfulness Is n part of the treatment of and recovery from ailments Is tot assured when patients can leave thetr cots. Treatment of convalescents i a part of the physicians scheme. 1 1 recognized that views from a wfedo 'bt a ootpltal looking on blank wills or on dispiriting surroundings affat recovery, Hopefulness Is repre'e t; gloom ts encouraged. Brooklyn LTpi. y i . Our coal is the best there is for steam and domestic purposes ' o STOVE o o o PLEA FOR EQUAL JUSTICE. o o o o ARES ' " $2,50 ' V 2.00 Patronize a Horni Industry. o o o o o ..WEBER COAL o o CO.. Subscribe Now tim. A man wbo sends a girl ont ennlless Into the world, encumbered with an Infant child, is certainly an aCeestorF-Wfor- e any act of violence fifinay commit This poor girl said that she got rid of her Infant because It kept her back In trying to get work. Under such circumstances. It Is Impossible for the man who should have supported both her and the infant' to escape blood guiltiness; and the law should recognize this fact Montreal Herald. FOR THB COALVILLE TIMES - And get all tha local and county news o 'If trials of speed between automobiles are to be held ih the future, undoubtedly they will be, one radical change should be made tn the provision for them. They should be permitted only on a private track. If none of the course already dedicated to horse races can be utilized suty able grounds should be secured elsewhere and carefully Inclosed. Perhaps it might be deemed expedient to erect a grand stand for spectators and exact admlss on fees, but that la a minor consideration. It cannot be recognized too soon that public sentiment will not and should pot sanction the continued use of public highways for this purpose when a speed exceeding the legal limit is Intended. New York Tribune. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM in tfic COUNTY o o o o o o o o o 0 0! 0 0 0 0 0 I ONLY $1.50 A YEAR PRIVATE AUTO RACE TRACKS. o o o o o o o o o o MINE! WASATCH LUMP d I THE: AT AT THE MINE THE PRICES well-know- n $G0.-00- a o o o o o A few weeks ago a young Ontario girl committed suicide in Montreal as the final result ef her deception by a man who had disappeared. A few days ago, another young woman was THE CONSTANCY OF BIRDS. arrested for causing the death of her reluctance of bird Infant child, but no mention as made The to appear In public at the moulting of the father. Surely it Is time that season lends a humorous aide to the our civilization outgrew the monstrous Stone the woman and let situation. Individual which la other doctrine: days are fearless and confiding, even the man go free. The doctrine of AnInviting acquaintance, now scamper to other who dispersed the male accuscover cs If urged by aense of common ers of a woman by tnvitlng him wbo waa without sin to "cast the first decorum. A pair of song sparrows a cape from my observation ks fast aa stone," Is more just. In such cases, their legs can carry them, with that especially In the latter of the two peculiar ildewlse trot of theirs, as if mentioned above, our machinery of conscious of possible arrest by the Justice should track down the male police if Caught attired In o scanty criminal as relentlessly as any other garments. 1 respect these sparrows ccwardly scoundrel, and be should at and towheea by reason of their con- least stand In the dock beside the girl jugal fealty, not one of. them having who la very apt to have been his vic- n nr-ter- J o HEALTH FIRST. 1 re-io- $c MITH THE MOULD'S Fire has destroyed one side of the The Lct saloon aWGIncue, Mont, 000000OO000000O0 o 00 -- Our Of'Ice is Veil Equipped to do All Kind of 00 0 0 Q O JOB WORK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Right 00 0 0 THE 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coalville nnf 0 0 0 0 C R. JONES, Publisher, 0 0 0 0 o000O0OOO00OO0000O000O0000 and can give you good service on short notice. Price Just WHY 8CVE BOYS FAIL. Some of the very greatest failures In life In America in recent years have been failures of men whoe lives and careers are blazoned abroad as those of great, successful men. Their sons are noted for their worthlessness as deg nerate sons of worthy sires, mere Idle "sports and voluptuaries, wretched beings who sometimes attain a cbeap and ephemeral notoriety for some monkejlike folly and dissipation. These young men are unfitted to make a lhlng for themselves, and they are unfitted to spend the money which their fathers p.led np with Infinite pains and labors. In these cases it la extremdy dcubtful If the worthless Rons are to be blamed; the fathers, the great, successful men, are primarily at fault be- cause, theugh they made money and a name, they did not give any time or pain or thought at all to tbe most im- portant work In the world, which la the rearing of honorable and useful men. "There la no sanctuary of virtue like heme, and unhappy will be the annals of the land where the beauty, affection and strength of the home are acriflced for any other Interest Philadelphia Ledger. limes i ' I GRASS CREEK COAL AT GRASS CREEK MINES , We have the very best Coal there on the market for domestic or b steam purposes, PHYSICIANS AND THEIR FEES. Following on a very important case this state all Parts i worked np over a question that has been arous- ed by n legal suit to determine not only the actual but the relative worth of the services of physician. As a matter of fact, physicians as rule, charge according to the ability of tha patient to pay, and In many cases this means nothing. Lire seems very Joyous to us all especially when it seems to b fading from our slguL We may be seeking a better land and believe in its approach, but most of us are It willing to try this for awhile. that beyond th seems,, on customanr average of the fees charged by physicians there ought to be some arrangement In writing, so that those who hay 'not preserved life may not set up Its claim which Is based on shadowy conditions. Inquirer. WELL SCREENED DOMESTIC In LUMP AND STOVE MIXED... I I PER TON. ! There Is no shoveling or waiting, as we have a SPECIAL CHUTE FOR LOADING TiAMS thw-whol- Poll-delph- $2.25 .GRASS CREEK, COAL CO. la ( ' g3o,gi329N2S'9'o'So'2S5''oNS'Sv 1 (o I, |