Show RAILS LEAD STOCK RISE Mail MaU Order Shares Rise Ris-On Ris On Gain In Wheat NEW YORK TORK July Another 29 21 28 Another crude oil cut ut In continent sold temporarily Interrupted the tho upward movement of o jog Ing and mail mall order stocks Steady Stead accumulation of the rails and nd a sudden demand for tor the th steel shares hOnt ent prices heading upward again to toward ud the close Sties Salea mated shares share Eastern railroad shares share again leadership ot of the tho th advance dv In iii the tir stock market markt as M the eighth consecutive week we k of rising prices 1 ushered In today Lacka wanna Lacka-wanna nna mounted to a new 1 1924 24 high 1 and Erie Irle Erl C s t 0 O and and Nashville N scored good gains Specialties were tn in demand American Waterworks arks ad- ad ad almost two points Prospects Pro of Increased bu InA from the tho agricultural regions region due dueta duelo to ta rising commodity prices car car- tied sled the mail nall order r stocks SealS Se and Montgomery Ward Vard Iud International to the years ears s highest level levels Du Busing In Inbe be- be be amo Lame amo more mor d dl l as us trading advances of 1 to mOl e than 1 I points t embracIng inIce lc Ice Associated As Dr Dr Bonds gO PItt- PItt Pitts burg ouri and nd Ve Wet West t preferred L South Sooth Porto Rico sugar Sut r and G 0 R B KInney bouthern vy pre pre- preferred pre preferred was wa-s added to the list of ot new high h records cored by the rail r shares Some ome profit w s In the coppers and nd low priced oils Foreign exchanges eXChange opened ea COPPER GAPS S a Hoe Hell y selling of or the tho oil shares the announcement of an- an another another an another other cut In MId Ud crude I b the tho th Prairie and com corn companIes companies panics encouraged taking ta-kinc In sections of the 1st lt and gae ga gaethe es the market an ula Irre appear appear- appear ace around the noon hour lour In the tho lh early burst of or bullish Sam sm however boever bo ever l flock of nIgh rt records cords for th the year e were established by Issues as American merican Express SS Associated DrI- DrI Dri goods G R Kinney y and com coin com i pen loan n William rl Iy Public el of or orew New ew Jersey nn 1 compon compan Roc Rock land I-land corn oom- cornmon com common mono mon Southern Pacific B E 8 Q Illinois Central and andL toh L tah Copper the th gins s g Ins rangIng from small entail frictions fractions t I t nearly Iv five ints t trong spots also de el- el In the lh chemical and sugar J es In the oil grouP Shell ShellI I 1 dropped I 1 IS and Producers t Refiners 1 I Call oncy opened a at 2 per cent 10 I I I des de eloped elope during the eaily caly noon cop op cop liera lers er falling faIling back bacle on 5 taking sales of or th the red rd metal a aboe oe 13 lIe a s pound Matus par par- particular p r the tho Ma M well again ho Id I'd signs ns of or str i laities continued to lo record the Ibe gaIns rains Eastman Koda Kodak eneal Electric and PI ducis selling t two 0 or more abo abo o bo o 0 Saturdays Saturday's s closing prices The Tho cloae oe was firm A brisk d de demand mand for tor steel shares which set L Steel Ste l common up to i stiffened prices Ie here In the th late dealings coIl Ol er er and tobaccos taking a prom 1 teat ent part in the th recovery Cry 1 |