Show LONG DRIVES ALL RIGHT SAY SAYS S JOCK But Dont Don't Try to Kill the Ball With One Shot When Two Are Better RI Ii JOI JOE IS CHICAGO July 28 Go Go after distance It If you must but don t try to kill 1111 the th ball bail That's the th ad- ad adIce ad Ice sice of Jock HutchIson former British open champion and pres- pres present ent ent hol holder holer er of oC the tho western estern open opel Hutchison unlike most pros thinks distance hitting should be beI I encouraged c Hutchison realizes that thO player get gets his bIggest tI out of a D loin iong Ion driven tee te shot It I Is just as os easy enay to hit a long ball as os a a short one on once one co vou you have mastered control contends Jock There are ar time tinse when distance Is Imperative and other times time when It only stems siems- to be b When IOU ion are on a wIde wid faIr air airway way with Mth the th whole world to shoot at cut loose loos O so and see se Just how far you can swat the th darn ball bail But when sour our objective Is a n green with Ith traps o 0 neither side aide ld and nd you ou arc lards away use us less muscle and mOre mor mentality The mental hazard bazard of o being com coin pelle pello l to toplar place lot lour 11 0 shot on the green Ireen Is is I you OU did not have to worry about when ou were svere on the th wide fairway airway with the whole hol 4 M 01 to shoot at This In Itself Is going to disturb you As 45 s a result you are QuIte likely to tighten up and Instead of S swinging through In a rh arc ou probably ill 11 tear Into the ball bali w with ith all nil 3 our might tr lag to kiil 1111 It The Th effect will be h a lunge rath- rath rather rath rather er than a s hit If It i ou oudon udon don t lop top the ball you yu will hook hok It or push It Either you ou will wind windup windup Ind Indu u up I In the th rough or In a trap Even Iven the champions have a tough time tim making lard urd ard ftP ftP- approach ap approach shots shot stick on the th green let alone the th Play It safe eafe at Take Talc a It club you know sou ou can handle handl and swing smoothly and naturally What hat liat it If you are arc nr shortt short Isn't that better batter than beIng belne trapped tripled on In mean rough It s a the th extra the effort effort th ten ten ten- tendency tendency dency to kill the th that nail t ll that sends scores score mounting |