Show WATER SUPPLY OP OF I TOWN CONDEMNED nOISE BOISE Idaho Idabo July Dac 28 28 Bac Bac Bacteria teria 1 were vere ere so BO thick In tn the tho water samples taken from the tho drinkIng eater ater supply of ol the residents ot of SpIrit Lake that they could not be counted the state bacteriologist bacteriologist gist reported to the tho public utilities commIssIon The bacteriologist reports the water WIlter Is absolutely unfit for tor hu- hu human hu human man consumption because of the tho of ot B coIl coll the germ that causes causel typhoid fever Complaint was made modo recently to the commission by residents and tIm tho matter was sas immediately re to the tho department of ot pub pub- public public lic Ito welfare Samples wore were taken hy by David Da Durrell Eurrell commissioner who nado Me a special trip to north Idaho for tor that purpose |