Show X M Three ire Cornered Tie Looms In American Loop I I TIGERS HOLD SLIGHT LEADIN LEAD LEADIN LEADIN j IN FLAG RACE Brooklyn Tails Pails to Gain Gainon Gainon on Pirates In Junior League Circuit CHICAGO C 3 July 28 A 28 A three thres cornered tie for the th leadershIp of the th American lengu lensu within the next few days day looms up as a likelihood hood today Mv York and Washington ton already in a r iii second place ac attempt to re- re re r duc due Detroit e half halt game earn aduan adan- lufe an The Senators made mad good their threat to horn In ca os th Yankee Yanke party by def alln Cleeland while both the th I makers lost II ith the game fame and first lac seemingly on Ice Walt WaIte alte Hoyt he came careless In the ninth In ning of the th New York Chicago till and aided by timely errors on the part of Ruth and put th White Sox Pox In a position to win subsequently from by 7 to 6 Victimized bv by their old falling failing of wasting walIng hils hits the Tigers lost a 4 to 2 to Philadelphia The Tigers left 13 of their teammates marooned on the th paths Holding Cleveland to six hits Ogden pitched Washington to a 4 to 3 triumph and registered rf his eIghth win In In nine starts George home horn run with ith 10 wo on In the th eighth canto br brOke broka ke keIl Il a tie tl accounted for tor the th Browns na 9 to 10 t ii win In ln over Bo Boston ton Boone Boon Iso also hit tor for the th circuit circuitS Seven S ven lames games again measure the Giants superiority 0 oser rr the th Cubs Cub BS as a result of th the 6 to 4 spanking sew ew ew York administered to St StLouis StLouis Louis LOllIs Dh a t twin In bill with Cm Brooklyn failed to gin fain on Pittsburgh for tor third place honors but maintained Its thee and one one- one halt half game cam advantage over o the Red Reds D Dy Dazy y Vance fast balled fast the Robins to a B 6 to 1 I win In tn the opener but Ruether pro ed an Un- Un Unworthy un unworthy worthy orthy and lost the sac sac- sec second ond by 9 to 1 I added an- an another an another other victory tory to his alread already rn- rn string |