Show ril b PE C S AGAIN I TRIUMPH T I U OVER q E GUNNERS INFIELD F FAILS A It S STO TO BACK OGDEN MOUND ARTIST Brown Makes 3 Errors In 1 Inning ng Brigham Uses 3 Pitchers lT LF LEGrE GIF t li W 5 L Pct Ogden Oct S 8 S 5 5 0 Brigham 7 75 5 Tremonton 5 7 5 8 S 30 Sundays C nc At Tremonton-Malad Tremonton Malad 10 Tre- Tre Tremonton Tre Tremonton monton 7 At Ogden Ogden-Ogden Ogden 3 Brigham 6 S advanced a n peg pec In the tho B Utah Idaho flag race Sunday by handIng the Ogden GunnelS Guineas a 6 i to 3 defeat In the fourth game fame of oC the season between the t In two 0 club clubs which IncIdentally as the fourth successive for Cor the Fetches Petche 0 over er the Gun Gun- Gunn Gunners n flora ners rs The visitors e e forced to use UlO three thre to the tho me gume which was spirited at times llIe Bro Brown Brow rr second sacker of othe I the Gunners 1 Is chalked up with lIh tue tt errors during the matinee He Hhas has the tho th honor of making three boots In tn one on Inning is which Is I something unusual In baseball His were ere responsible for four of oC the si six runs tallied by the visitors tors bra POOR POOH St 51 FrOnT Despite the fa fact t that was tOll touched herl for 14 singles s during the matinee but for poor sup sup- support sup support port lort he h might ha hav hase 0 through the storm torm and recorded a asun awin sun in His support was as ragged a total of se seven en errors error being made back of his pitchIng This chap alSO contributed three Ihre hits during th the afternoon and drove drose dro e In one 0 of tt the Gunner runs Thit Th Brigham were ac- ac accorded accorded ac accorded corded brilliant support Only one was wa as r recorded cordell by Pie Peaches an on en or b by Fac i Facea ho luo made a su lid ild throw to first aCt after Mier Irs had b heat Rt out an Infield hit Murphy started the game came for tor tic ticS S but v vas as as jerked in the se- se aes tev after two t men nen had blen bien reo re- retired re retired tired arid and after the following hi 0 I batsmen had singled relle ed Murphy and walked aked My- My Myers ers My-ers I ers era 0 elt popped lOpped d out to orm orm Is ending the th rally rall KELLER TO RESCUE In the ninth innIng the old Jod Keller was as called into intI action Hey beat out an hit OCI second which rm r Watkins fielded perfect perfectly but a sias v unable to catch the th base bus runner Pa Pane Paine ne popped to Facer era heat beat out an Infield hit Keller re- re relieved re at this blitz sage re-I re of oC the game earne Pelt Felt grou grounded out Mel Mel- Keler ler br er to Williams Hard Hardy was as I to- to ic e- e eth th ed on strikes to end the con con- contest contest test By virtue of the th victory the Peaches are art now within a half halg hal a asame same game of o the leadership of the thel he league acue Incidentally moved to within a half a genie me earn of o Tremon Trenton Tremonton Tremonton ton by defeating the tho Bears Bean 10 to 7 Day Hufstettler and I ne starred tarred with Bith lib nice catches I The box score core I BRIGHAM AB All R H H PO A I 73 EWilliams Williams lb Ib i 6 1 4 9 0 0 racer ss 4 4 0 Q 0 i 1 3 31 1 75 Watkins f 6 0 1 4 t i 0 C Watkins a 4 12 1 2 2 bOO bOOI k b 0 0 I Eliason lb Keller 6 5 0 1 l 2 0 0 Keller p cf-p Ward 5 0 l t 1 1 0 Ward IVard rf rt Varncy 4 1 2 0 0 0 Varney If 5 2 3 0 0 Murphy p 4 1 1 0 2 0 p I 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Pearce cf ct 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 4 41 6 6 i 11 26 26 11 11 1 OGDEN DEN AEn ABR AB R H POA E B EPa Pane Pa ne If S 0 1 I 0 0 0 Myers ss as Felt 4 1 S 2 3 1 3 2 Felt lb 5 0 1 0 4 0 Hardy l Ha rd 1 Ib lb b Day 5 0 1 l 11 0 0 rf rt Brown 4 0 0 1 1 0 Bro Brown Bron n lb Hufstettler 4 0 1 3 3 5 l cf 4 1 2 2 1 0 c 4 1 1 1 6 0 0 Hey Heywood p 4 0 3 0 I 6 0 Totals 39 3 3 12 27 17 7 Score by InnIngs Brigham Brigham- Runs 6 HIts bits 14 Ogden Ogden- Ofden Runs Runa tOO 3 Hits 12 Innings By pitched pitched Murphy 6 C 3 2 by 1 3 28 2 by Keller 3 2 victory to Murphy Runs Run responsible for for- f tor or- or Holwood He 1 I Murphy Struck out out-By By Heywood C G by Murphy by Keller 1 Bases on bans balls balls Oft Off Heywood I 1 oC off 1 Stolen bas bass C bass bas's s-C s C Watkin 1 2 I My- My Myers Myers ers My-ers ers Hardy Sacrifice Facer ht-Facer ht Iy fly Runs Run batted inC in-C In C C at kin Wat-kin kuns 3 Vi Williams Felt Time of o One game came One hour and 40 mInutes Umpire Umpire-Bobb Umpire Dale Sl Special Dispatch TREMONTON TOX July 21 28 3 Malad Maad tallied three thre runs rune run In the th ninth In- In Inning inning In ning here hire Sunday to break a 7 7 deadlock with Tremonton and the Idahoans walked from the field with the th victory Larson was as In rare form Ellison on the th slab sab for forthe forthe the locals was accorded poor sup sup- support support port tup-port port The Th score cre MALAD B H 0 A Gleed It If B 5 0 0 0 Morris cf c 6 2 0 n nOwen I IOwen Owen u as a 6 2 0 0 Nielson Ielson rl r rt S 6 2 1 0 Larson p S 5 1 I 1 18 3 Knudson c 6 5 1 15 iS 0 Smith Ib lb S 6 2 12 13 2 21 Jones 6 5 1 2 5 Tovey 6 5 1 0 2 Totals 41 48 12 30 12 1 B H O 0 OA AC A AC C Harris s cc S 5 2 I 0 2 V Harris ct d 4 1 1 3 Wheatley c 5 S 0 S 8 0 L If It 5 3 Ij 0 I I I I Hunsaker lb Ib f 6 2 12 V B lb 4 0 0 4 Filison p I S 5 0 0 4 L 4 0 4 4 L Harris rt rf 4 0 1 0 Totals 37 8 t 30 27 21 27 Score by Innings Malad J 10 Tremonton 7 1 Summary Gleed Runs Gleed 2 J Mor Morris ris Owen 0 en Nielson Knudson Smith 2 Jones Touy Tosey C Harris Harri V liar liar- Har II t i Lyle Lyl Watkins n 2 r |