Show 1 REGIMENT DUE DUEON ON WEDNESDAY Utah Artillery Solves Difficult Firing Problems Completing the th summer ummer course of training at t Camp Lewis Wash the th Utah Ut ih field artillery regiment Is due to arrive in Og- Og Ogden Ogden den Oc-den den early Wednesday morning According to a letter received by W V II 11 er Che Che erB gent ral agent of the tho Union Pacific In Ogden the tho first section of ot 10 cars car will leave Huntington Ore at p I m Tues Tues- Tues rues Tuesday day dllY and the second section or of ei ht cars c rs 15 minutes later The Ogden unit comprising th the company and nd corn com com com- combat combat bat train should hould b br be home horn again lit at 6 t am a in m Wednesday FIRING PRO ll IS After Atter an unusually pleasant and beneficial encampment the artil- artil artiller ler men feel fel that their time has been well spent In Camp Le Lewis LeIs Is and from from the reports which have como come front from inspecting officers officer the work has lis been entirely satisfactory tory tory Particularly interesting w was S as the work ork on the tho th tiring firing ge whore where wh conditions prevailed almost en- en en entirely under war ar conditions In Ina Ina Ina a big ble area are In front ct cf the field guns there n was a series woud oud generally ot of targets which ho be met mci on a 0 a real balU There Thero are aro large larf enemy guns cuns In emplacements ments ammunition tr trains las howitz howitz- howitzer howitzer er or batteries trenches filled with till target representing en m troops and othe points to bo be fired tIred at it Each officer up to the Instructor at t the observation point and wn was given civen a certain problem to Tho The batteries used were hidden behind hills hlll some dis distance lance tance to the right and left ot of othe the pot post Iho problem clen gisen to 10 W V ln Ir Poulter was one ont which bleh might r l b be k met w any mir day nv II in r actual l w 55 art are The Instructor pointed out an object which d a 0 la laigo go enem tank not moving moving- and lie be was as lold told to destroy it The er tired fired kc be eral ral 15 from one gun to find the tho rinse and then concentrated the tho firE fird l of or his en- en en lire en-lire tire Ure battery upon the tho tank with percussion shrapnel I Ihen hen heis the tho thop p obi em took on more mor complication complications tion Front n a n trench be tc cral ral hun hun- hundred hundred hun hundred dred feet teet to the light Ight ot or the link tink an n enem Infantry be- be besan besan Ean be-Ean san advancing and h- h ho h wa o Imme linnie- Immediately ordered to sweep sweI the tho ad- ad ad advance vance anco ance down clown lie He sen telephonic orders to the tho guns tun to fo to- to toa a n series serle ot of with burst hursta e abo the ground so tha that thai the the- Infantry be bo scattered ani nl put out of action He lIe had to jude juds the tho move move- movement mont ment ot of the tho enemy troops troop to toward ard the guns and nd fire fir shellS shell Into their midst to b al up the personnel This WAS accomplished In a manner which pleased the Instructor and thuu was wa no delay deJay In bringing the tire fire from the tho tank lank to the ad- ad ad tanco ad-tanco sance ance OGDEN MEN PR USED Problems euch cuch as thue were I given to all officers of the Iho regi- regi regiment reEl i ment who were ere called upon n to tolie fhe lie Probably no wo two t officers In one unit accomplish 1 their ob- ob objective ob objective wit more mor speed and nd ae- ae accuracy ac accuracy curacy than C Albert E Wilfong lIrong and W Irn In In Poul Poul- Poulter Poul- Poul Poulter Poulter ter of the headquarters detach detach- detachment detachment ment and combat train from Og- Og Ogden Ogden Oc I den denSo So yell veil did the Ogden officers go 0 through h their that p Captain was as s selected to the fhe an exhibition of ot time fuse fuso work ork while the tho officers of ot the entire regiment and mint others looked on ant also aloo was as called upon t to give siv an of ot high bleh e shell hel tiring firing and due to hi his long lone ex on the front in France the th war ar with Ith high hith explosives explosives he h acquitted himself r well |