Show Story Of Crime To Which Leopold And Loeb Pleaded Guilty In Chicago Court I I CHICAGO C July 21 21 l athan Leo Leo- poId Jr and RIchard Loeb confessed slayers layer of ot year old year 14 Robert Franks are ar minors minora sons son of millionaires of ot standing and anti graduate students distinguish distinguish- distinguished ili li-cd li ed cd by attainment At the time of the th slaying Leopold was vas 10 O and Loeb 19 11 Probably none non of ot Leopold s a ac- ac acquaintAnces ac acquaintances except t Loeb were ere connected with Ith the ala last May tl Jl which shocked th the coun coun- country country country try and aad which AccordIng to the boa s confession lon WItA waa rafi titled Iboa led t With the precocious oral orol- t who had enraged engaged nga e 1 the of ot the th Kirkland ar warber r a a bird so eo o shy hv I as to have be been n supposed ed extinct to bO success success- successfully tully fully that It perched on n his lila honl-der honl dec der and ate AtO at from Irom hi his hand ihira while hUo a thousand feet teet of ot mo Ing picture film were unreeled According to Loeb Loch though thu detail d tall Lo Leo Leo- Leopold paid dIsputed It was the same hand that truck Robert Honert Franks tram from behind with a I bound Ith tape afterward stranglIng hInt him Th The grandfathers rs ot or both loth Nath Nath- Nathan Nath- Nath Nathan Nathan an and Richard were among amoni those thoe who like Ilk Carl Cart Schurz Schun came cam to I this from Germany be be- be because caus be-caus cause of ot the failure of o the th revo- revo revolution lotion lution of or 1848 1141 The Th Leopold family has s been In Chicago since I f 7 Albot Loeb Lob father of at Richard was wag born In Chicago In l 1868 1368 t Nathan Leopold Sr fortune rr grew w a as ae th the tho grew as 1155 tal merlY engaged in lake lako transportation and i ii Is now a paper rt AliK-rt Loeb son of a small emall mill shoe ahoe iho merchant taught evening school chool practiced la law and eventually became tics Ic 1 ot of the Sears Sean Roebuck mall mail order ny of at o I Julius Juliu howald Is i Ills Jacob Loeb Loch was waa as of or th the Chicago board of ot sin edu- education eol sinI I I cation from 1916 1 Sli until 1911 1919 His HIa wife w-ite Richards Richard's mother who was Attn i Bohnen has beu be u active e in i welfare Wo k Both families worship at SinaI temple ot or which the th late Rabbi I U G Hir b was as pastor pa tor lk l-lk them thorn the tan ll o of the boy boys Robert Franks Is ot of o lIe lIe- lIebe Lien lie be biew descent although holding the tho Jewish faith I Hobe t tailed failed to reach home after aCter chool school May lay 21 The n ne neat t dat Ht a L letter and messages m by e one tailed called upon I lIs is e Catl I Jacob Frank Franka ent of or the d Watch company C in a neighbor of o LOb Td ard Leopold for tor ransom Tho Tito messages stated that the th boy lad 1 been but was lias wa olt safe ite The Theather ather virtually to com corn comply ply with Instructions but permit permit- permitted test ted his hi lawyer and relative to go goto goto toto to the morgue to see e o the tho body hody ot of ota ofa ola a dead boy bo that had bad been b en found In a culvert ert Th The boy w we tied fled as Robert An autopsy bho show how how-ed ed that h he had been plain fl be before ore the letter Jetter demanding was os mailed Several oral witness were wore examined but not until a pair of or glasse found In the tho th cul ert teed through the th prescription to oung Nathan was waa either ito he h or RIchard The Th two bo boys bys were taken Iota Into custody tody an and were h ld In hotels hotel and In th the tho stat State a attorney attorneys attorney's or- or flee tor for thre three days day Their adroit n fleas and a baffled their examiners until Loeb Lob learned that their lr attempted alibi wan waa refuted by the tho th testimony of or a a chauffeur that the th car the th bo boy a said laid they had used ud was wa undergoing repairs repair at the th time Then Loeb began to confess cant cont and tad Leopold Leopol learning or of hl lii action did According According- to the th confusion confession the planned d both slaying oil r kidnap kidnap- log Ing the extreme pen tot foi murder mur- mur murder der death being the same m In Illinois a as th the extreme t mo penalty tot for tot for ransom om though the th victim They The are ar by the std to tine bite said they Ibey did It tor for money and I fo adventure Although counsel couns tor for ore ot of the othe su complained that I I h harsh measures were tried ul by hy tie tie- der tieI r I ted eS in the case cae of o 0 hi his ln Int a ho net nev did not noi confess staLes s y Hol rt CI 0 otto e assE easel ted that the ulmot consIder consIder- I atlon allon was as extended toward toll l and Richard and it th-it h he permit permitted I ted ld them to talk with lh their rela th thes s though not with th counsel It 11 wa was less than a vial lB before that Leopold had hind rea ra real before thit th union at atI ata ala a meeting in Boston a a paper on orthe the 1 Kirkland land warbler t cl I men inert who ho heard hard him praised him for tor the contribution to science thit had seemed Impossible In filming th the h hy warbler In the tte I e MichIgan thus demoa demou atin aUng its lis |