Show IS S P A AND D W P READY TO USE IE E m TRACK Thousands Employed to Put Roads In Shape for Service August 1 S N FRANCISCO July 21 21 Operating officials of the Western Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads rail rail- railroads rail railroads roads are ready to put into effect August 1 I the agreement by which h e tracks of the two companies front flom a point east of Winnemucca aNey a Ney ey to a point west of Wells Veils Nes Ne will III te e used as one double track For the last few months thousands of men hate ha been employed ed by the tho railroads to O the roadbeds and connections for lor the new S stem of traffic Det Between een the points Indicated al eastbound traffic 1 will III go eo 0 over er the Western e lern Pacific and all westbound traffic over the Southern Pacific |