Show MUNSEY GIVEN FINE AND TE TERM Barker Also Penalized Again for Liquor Offense Thirty div d s In the Weber coun coun- county ty ly jail and A tine fine was as the sentence Imposed today upon ry nar-ry lIar lIar- ry Munsey of at OGden after he pleaded guilty In the justice couro cour ot of William A t Smith in Hunts hunts- title to Il a charge ot of possessing liquor Officers Officer reported I they also alo found partS of r a still when the raided a It home at al 1257 twenty tou Out tit street In Iii the ca case cao e of the stat state slate agaInst L Lyman man hacker Barker ot of North orth Ogden Justice Smith Sn found Barker Baker guilt o of Inline hating ha InG liquor In his lila n and nd assessed IL a 1100 1 0 0 tine fine Barkel recently was as fined 2 5 for g liquor quor It ens as at th that t time that Ual a Il see see- sec second mid and charge charee would auld be b placing the twice In Jeopardy Jus- Jus Jus Justice lice tice Smith thereupon took the matter under advisement until to- to toda today to-dav to da day Harker was arrested at Ogden riter bridge bride and aye ave avenue ave avenue nue with liquor In a Il truck Officer OffIcers cers cera searched tearched his Is turn firm In North Ogden and reported finding more liquor The case cases caes wr were pros prosecuted b I 1 County Attorney D J 1 Wilson |