Show RETURN LOGAN lUGAN FAVORS I All Ogden People Urged to Attend Centennial Celebration Directors Director o or of tho Ogden Osden o c toua toda to tooted ot d theirl their thelt support to I f tOt foi tho I the thip centennial ce b aton July 24 net 2 23 5 Each of ot th the nd the officer of o tIle tn o organization wilt endeavor to o oO be hl In attendance Letters to members o ot of the chamber of ce comme-ce urging them to to attend will III alto also be sent out during tilt week eek epIc Each mn wilt wll also aloo be asked to 10 call at the of ot the th chamber In the Kies- Kies I 1 1 where lio ho wilt will rece 0 an Ogden sticker to put on the windshield hId ind nd an Ogden nam name name- nameplate plate JI In h older that all nil Utah maitee ma see thai that h fI is ii I back of the Lo Lo- Lo Logan Lagan gan AH All of or the citizens oC ot Ogden den who can call pOI possibly get away July 24 and 2 25 go to Logan LoKan to participate in the centennial echo echo- being put on by the th una tIns ns ot of Loran Log said alil President 11 il M 21 I Nye Nyc ye The Th citizens ot of Logan and Cach Valley alley are art e iy friendly to Ogden as ha has been ben shown ehon by the sup port gien gh en by them to the annual Ogden Olden Live Stock show d 1 to the recent Jul July 4 celebration celebration tion hl belt heie fh Th he b board ard of at directors gate ga support to the aemi- aemi emi I professIonal baseball tournament to tob tobe tobe b be held here Irr ber late lat In August PI NYC Nyo Y told the board the will to OB Og- Og I Ithe 20 n o nt mor more baseball teams team to-petlier to to- to rei her with aith hundreds ot of Interested fane t om the s Ogden O and t om states slate I interested ted In the devel- devel devel nt or of o clean athletics athletic and real real- real I lung that this tournament tournan S Is to be beheld beheld hell held for tor the th purpose ot of pro semi bas bl In the th In- In In tet ber the th I ot of commerce comme directors director are ar pleas pleas- pleased ed to lend Ind the moral suppo t of or the chamber to the th movement and tin feel ce t 1 that the event will wiil b be I made an annual feature The director rec rece lied ed a a letter tram from the he Salt Lake chamber or of commerce Inviting th the tir officer and of at the th Ogden chamber tobe to he be their gu guests ls at a dinner and to engage In a II golf gait match The Tir date will be bl elected latti lato The Th Ogden Ogden- OE Ites en-Ites tIes tea accepted d the th In In Imitation Italian |