Show I GEORGE ECClES LOSES CLOSE I CONTEST Special PROVO July 10 Gor 10 e tic tic- Lc cles cle Ogden tennis champion a from the time tennis tournament here tI u Itt In II match v It t Ralph ent v Cl of Salt Lake McElvenney J won both sets b scores cores of 4 6 And 13 11 of ot the he matches malc es for tor Wed Wed- Wednesday nd tollow Pierce defeated Irvine tl-I tl l- l 6 3 C defeated Neville 1 t S 13 1 1 hit lIf defeated C I t MIn 6 8 13 11 Goodell de defeated tie tie- Knight Allen Alien 61 6 10 10 S M It defeated tt Cl f 61 6 howell d dOte Ce iCed PerkIns Perking 0 1 0 1 6 DIxon defeated Howell C 3 3 7 5 Hay lay defeated Holt jolt 6 i li 1 Hay fair d f T r to-t to 4 6 McElvenney enne defeated 13 11 Latin'S defeated 1 Clan Clan- Clanson son Man 8 6 6 son 64 S 6 3 3 Hammond and Jin l Host Host- Hoell oil How oil ell d n ed Knight and Roberts Roberta nol erts 2 6 2 0 O Manson MangOn ina Uld Butte ll- ll de defeated tented ana aluC an t C 3 ali r 63 6 4 ColemAll and Ppl an defeated d Perkins and ond Pardoe C 0 l 3 G 28 61 6 DIxon and IU Dixon Dison and Bob 8 1 t li 6 1 Cedes and Cowls Cowley defeated Ne lilt and le Co 1 6 8 1 |