Show DISCO VERY It 7 W M M tt DOCTOR SAYS HE HAS FOUND DREAD GERMS Others Caution Against Hasty Acceptance Of Treatment NOT TERMED CURE CURE 0 Physician Gives Report On Results Had From FromI Serum PHILADELPHIA July 10 tiP W Dr Dr T J Glover of Toronto speaking last night before the PhiladelphIa Clinical the Clinical society of the Na National a- a Stomach hospital said he had Isolated the organism which caused cancer ancer told of successful tests and said ho lie hoped to ta be abl to immunize human beings cording According to Dr Glover Gloer the cancer organism Is a oc- oc occurring occurring oc occurring singly In pairs or In chains or three thre or mOl mm moie e He has been ebb to ta isolate It tt he said front fram ery e t type pc of human cancer caneer its its- tissue tissue sue and to ta grovy groy it in special pedal medIa using it 11 to ta produce cancer In ant ant- animals mals ani-mals mals and to develop an toxin anti anti from- from loun au II I THEAT tET Drs Dra M 1 T Warmuth and James JamesT T Donnelly of af Philadelphia told of af their experiences with the Se- Se Serum se serum rum In extreme cases eases the they de- de declared de declared dared little le could be expected e of the serum as It was as not noi a cure but a treatment Up to May 1 1 1124 1524 the they saId S 84 humans had been treated Of these 26 25 5 died tour four sho showed shoed ed no Improvement 38 8 were ere Improving and 17 were ere lice fee from au all al symptoms torn toms tams of the disease some for tor as long as aa a year scar and a half halt HORD OnD 01 OP UlIO C A number of Philadelphia clan cian and scientists cautioned against hasty acceptance of af the serum erum as a fi permanent remedy Dr Joseph Jaseph pathologist pathologist ogist agist of ot the of af o Penn Penn- Pennsylvania sylvania declared he had bad gone to ta the laboratory ot of Dr Glo Glover Gloier er In New York Yarl and requested to see the serum but was as refused permission Dr Glover Gloser replied that ho he had hadnot hadnot hadnot not been ben prep prepared red then to an- an announce his presentation amid mla mla- min mingled applause e and nn |