Show oo 00 BAR DAR OF JAil SAWED AWAY VAY AWAYAn I IAn An attempted Jail break at the lh city jail was no discovered Wednes Wednes- Wednesday Wednesday day afternoon bv by Detective L L LNelson LNelson LNelson Nelson who was attracted to a lower sell oil in the th south corridor by the th odd actIons action of A t prisoner Investigation repealed re that a prisoner was as os bending II a bar that had been completely severed by bya bya bya a saw hick during the th night Officers Officer declare tha the they sus sus- sus suspected sus several prisoners on r of o ha hav- hav having Int hav-Int v- v vIng Ing sawed avd the th bar but are re not certain which one on did It It would hate been nece sary nece-sary sary for the th In- In Inmates Inmates In Inmates mates of ot the he jay Jail to n saw s w several more bars to gain ain their ther freedom 00 oo 00 Who ho Is who |