Show COAST BANK MEN GO TO CONVENTION Delegates numbering more than from Pacific coast points en route to the national can contention of at atthe othe the American Institute of Bank Bank- BankIng Banking ing trig at Baltimore ltd aid were to ar- ar arrhe arrhe ar arrive rhe rive In Ogden shortly after 2 p pm m toda today During their short atay sta ata here they Were to be entertained b the OS- OS OSden Ogden Og Ogden den chapter A trip to the Shupe- Shupe Shupe candy factory factor where cand candy was Has to be distributed to the the suitors a was wai to be bo one of ot the tea lea fea features tures lures Small cases of or Utah cher cher- cherrIes cherries cherries ries were alo also to be glien ghen gh en them Edwin Ed In V Krick of Sin Fran Fran- Francisco Francisco cisco national site lice Ice president Is Isone Isone Isone one of the members of the parly party Ogden's delegates to the com co en- en en tion Wynne V M SI Parker of the tho Ug- Ug Ogden den Ug-den den State hank bank ank and Jesse N Han Han- Hansen Han sen sen of the l Dank Bank Dan of Commerce Com Com- Commerce Commerce merce were to join loin the party here |