Show FOREIGN I LIVE LIVESTOCK STOCK 1 i I Ej IJ V U S S- J lI I 1 Agi o I I CHICAGO July flogs 1 Hogs Re- Re Rc 42 10 UL to lo O oc acu u ier er than Mondays Monday a 8 best time lime timer r I- lOc jOe lower than a crag c desir- desir bic blo glades show losses packing sows and led m offer offer- nf ng declined most noat bulk good an and olce 2 iU u u to 3 5 pound butchers I li i 30 top 7 at SI r desirable d 00 10 to 2 largelY 00 lo 7 Jo bulk beter beler bett r 14 74 to toi J I pound aver gs U II king SOW 6 U G 6 U 50 d m up ft a 75 killIng piss pigs al to t 45 I t bulk bull good and choice weigh 5 76 if COO 00 toP topaS o aS bulk 0 ot 6 6 0 6 ti IB au 30 medium 1 6 7 25 light obi cOil 19 15 light light 5 o I 90 0 packing hogs b 0 b CU 40 b 0 li 7 packing nog rough C b 00 oo 64 6 41 slaughter pigs 5 95 fi oat lob 00 Cattle Receipts 11 beet toels ee steady to weak eak spot spots sh dO oer scarce strong trong steer run ruu ru killing qu medium to good early top ml- ml maurea ma urea 1 10 0 60 SO some choice handY tight held around 1100 00 bulk arly any sales sale Eilt i 00 steer Wi un Includes 24 4 loads of ot Kansas weighty eighty steers she sho stock arce better grades grade Bead to strong trong grassy kind dull bulls ead ed bet bent bely hea y bologn at 4 85 It 4 4 90 lIe Higher large large- largely largely ly Iy h 5 50 t 9 SO 50 to packers te fes hand Iland picked lots to small mall killers I 0 no 00 and above stockers and coders scarce act country demand I narrow Sheep Receipts Sheep Receipts killing I 01 b to 10 bOo higher sorting light feeder prospects around ISo I higher no early aole sales sh cp full ull steady teady tead desirable natIve lambs 13 1350 SO tew few 1375 75 range rang 14 75 76 top 14 14 7 78 I medium to good yearling ether 11 00 handy Sandy weight tat fat owe 05 60 50 KANSAS CITY July Cattle l I Cattle Receipts calves 1200 slob Iov low fed ted steers fully tully ste d and aDd tat fat aho sho clock alock strong strone LO o iSo higher Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts 12 10 mostly Sc c lower top 7 16 15 Sheep Sheep kIlling lasses lase generally 16 15 to lIe higher Top lop Idaho lambs lamba 13 60 50 oth 13 40 31 LT Ui 31 NEW EW July Copper l 1 quIet ulet Electrolytic spot and near near- nearby nearby by 12 h tutu futures res 12 1 12 |