Show I LAW APPROVES MARRIAGE VOW Sustain Wife's Pledge of Obedience In Matrimony MONTGOMERY Ala Ala- Ala July 1 1 00 The A-The The old age-old marriage vow containing the word obey fast t tending to toward ard obsolescence was given an Interpretation with teeth by the Alabama court or of appeals when hen It upheld In effect the right of ot a husband to object to his wife's employment of adventitious aids to her supposedly na- na natural natural na natural tural bout beauty It Is la the Imperative duty of I a aman's amans aman's mans man's wife to obey oboy the court held The wife In question had curled her hair against the expressed wish of her husband In rendering the opinion the court also decided It not only was the right but the duty hus hus- husband husband band In absence of or proof of ot bad character to fix the tho domicile of ohis his children Irrespective 0 of the mothers mother s The ruling was as made In re reer reversing er a II lower court ha had 1 Issued a n writ of habeas corpus to Mrs lIre Macon 1 Sparkman to recover custody of daugh- daugh daughter daugh daughter ter Following ollo Ing domestic incompatibility Incompatibility as liS a result of his Ire II curled hair It was said MId Sparkman left lett her husband tak- tak takIng tak taking ing the child Later Sparkman tiled filed petition for a 1 writ of at habeas corpus and the lower court order ordered ed d Sparkman to produce the child This order met reversal re er al In the appellate tribunal |