Show K P LODGE TO AID ORPHANS Children of Castlegate Victims to Be Cared For ForThe The grand lodge relief commit commit- committee committee tee of the KnIghts of p Pythias of Utah met last lut e at the Knights of Pythias ball and reorganized re- re reorganized re reorganized organized the tho relief committee for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of handling the th Cas- Cas Ca legate fund which has been subscribed sub sub- scribed d bv by the lodge members throughout the supreme domain includes this country and A fund of haa ha been re- re re received ceh ed and la Is I now In the tho hands of the committee which was wa appoint appoint- appointed appointed ed at the list It session of the tho grand lodge ledge of Utah Ut iU D H Cannon grand crand chancellor Utah I is chairman W o or Yo YoL L Un- Un Unde Underwood Un Underwood de derwood grind nd Keeper of records record and seals secretary secreta and Fred treasurer These with Mark Redall of Salt Lake LIlke su- su su premo representative and ond L N 1 Meld lold of Ogden past supreme rep representative form the committee The committee authorized the pa payment ment of all funeral benefits of lodge members member who lost lot their Ih lies e In the disaster It was also decided to put the tho th money In a trust fund to educate the th father tather- fatherless father less children and provide provid means meant to handle any ony need such Ruch as sickness and d death ath might entail The Tho commute committe adjourned to meet Tuesday July t 8 nhen they will tako further action |