Show IDAHO LEGISLATURE GROWING SMALLER BOISE BOISE Idaho July The l-The 1 house houe of representatives es of ot the 1925 Idaho legislature which h convenes In January will havo bave three less members S 'S than the 1923 session when 65 5 members sat In Inthe inthe Inthe the lower law Jaw making body These figures are ar contained In in- in information In Information formation on file tile In the th scare secre- secretary tarr secre-tarr tary of ot states state's office and nd which has been ben forwarded to the th county recorders of o Idaho's counties Three Thre counties lo lost t one representative representative representative each In the th legislature because of ot a small vote ote on which the representation Is I based Thy They are Cas Cassia Ia 1 Idaho 1 and Twin Falls Palls |