Show I J I I I I II I I TO HOLD IO I Tho The Marriott family on will willbe willbo be held In the me I house March l 6 Pin iHn Pinner ner will be from rom 12 to 2130 o clock Dancing will sill be the tir dl- dl verlon dl version Ion of the afternoon and e ee ese i e c e I ning All of the Marriott family are Incited MarriottI I IO HY Il SOCIETY The Tho 1 Missionary of the Methodist church will aril meet Thursday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock at the home hone of or Mrs Airs W V A Rob Hob I Hobi Hobert Roberts i ert erts 2167 Jefferson on onue a hs 1 MisS I S J J Seaton v Si II 11 ha lia e r e charse charge of the de and ani an 1 1 Mrs rs C l E 11 Smith will gh ehe 0 the leson lesion tal taken en from rom the study book Look CI eath e I forces ot of Japan each be Is fa asked to come prepared to n an s seer er to roll call with Ith some iome item I or of Interest concernIng Japan t S CHILl 11 Ml Zhe meeting of or the s sAid SAid Aid society will sill be bo held at the dJs dispensary at nt 3 2 o 0 clock on C C Temecula Campfire girls TV V iv II 11 meet Ith Miss Cathleen Wilson 1 0 fifth 1 nt street e at 7 o 0 clock for 01 their theli ulai q uIal meeting TO ni DI BC Mrs B D J Pinch Finch will gill be bo hostess to Fil-di Fil members of or her h r bridge club di d afternoon at her home 63 an all Buren Duren as a avenue RD CIni p The Th Sisters will enter enter- entertain tain entertain at a II card party Friday after arter afternoon afternoon noon at the K K P r lull halt The pun pun- lie pun pun-He Is la ins In tied Oo I |