Show O a Fat Sanders Sander has returned and anda I till III a ill put on the Country Store him himself self tonight Fat Pat 1 I as aa an nn extra I large stock of ot merchandise to makeup make makeup up for tor his absence last week Leek lie He also aleo 1 will 1111 put on a special number alter the tho store singing his song The Wecker-Reeves Wecker dance or- or orchestra orchestra or orchestra chestra which pleased phased tho the audi audi- audience audiences ence ht l st Wednesday have open engaged engaged re-engaged for tonight t and will play several se eral of ot the ne newest eat dance hits The Wolf Man starring John Gilbert Is the feature picture The story concerns a young English Eng EnglIshman Englishman Englishman man who Is a gentleman until he drinks Then he becomes a beast beaRt The trail of tragedy takes tales him In- In Into into In Into to the timber t country In northern Quebec and there after atter fighting his weakness for a sear ear he event event- eventually U lly becomes become his own master and wins Ins Thelast the gIrl gin of 01 his choice The last round of the popular Fight ing Blood aeries serIes will be shown also 00 Public slaughter houses In Parts ParIs by Napoleon In 1818 were given the name of ot ab abattoirs |