Show I PRESIDENT OF I UTAH W C T U I TO SPEAK HE HERE 11 4 I imS D B W V J JENKINS S KI A special meeting of ot theYo the Yo Wo- Women's Women's mens men's Christian Temperance union ot of Ogden nih will be bo held Friday e ese ese- e- e ning at 7 j 30 o'clock In the First Baptist church Mrs tirs DY DV D TV Y J Jen- Jen Jenkin Jenkins en kin of ot Tremonton state president will sili preside The program to bo be 1 given gien en will I Include the folio following Ing numbers Singing America the Beautiful by the Baptist young peoples people 8 i i choir song Allegiance to Our La Laby Laas by congregation assisted by the tho choir scripture reeling Psalm Mrs L E B lar tar prayer the Re Rev L A Gar Gar- Gar Gar- neon risen song the Cruea Crusade e h mn Give Gite GI GIe e to the Winds Thy Fears story of ot the crusade Mrs Itra W S fI Flewelling life sketch ketch of ot Frances FrancesE E Willard organizer ot at of the WC W C T U by Mrs Irs L A Garrison Garriton song Its In the Constitution Grayce Bartlett address I Is Ia There Then Need of a W C T U In the Community by the tho Rev Res W V E R Bennett song W In in 0 Li Million Members led by the choir Why a Frances Ilard MemorIal Memoria Fund and What Were Some Somo Som I ot of the Things Accomplished In li 1923 b by b Mrs I F P Richards song long Victory by Miss Rosalie Holberg What W Wa We Hope to Ac- Ac In 1924 1934 by Mrs Mra D W Jenkins song Utah Forever by bythe bythe b the tun tune I of Battle Cry of Free Froe- Freedom dom doin by the congregation violin and vocal ocal selection Miss Iss Ida An- An Anderson derson An-derson derson and Henry King and Mrs Irs Gra co Bartlett Refreshments will be served by bya bya bv a committee composed of ot Mrs Gra ce Bartlett as chairman liSts lIra Margaret Rogers Mrs Id Ida Mayer C W Hadley andrs and Mrs rs W S Flewelling go 00 I |