Show LEGAL LEG NOTICES NOTICE o of School District Bond Dond Eke Elec Election tion by th Board or of o Edua- Edua tion of or County Sool Vis- Vis Ula VL er Counts to B Bo Held on the tho Day Doy ot of Mu h A l- l P r 19 I 1 public notice Is hereby given that tho ho Board hoard of or Education of or County School District of or her Count of Utah a county school r of the tho O first class sU to cr sUr r i law and nud the action 01 o the sold Board Doard of oC l l has hos ha called ind Dd does call coll and order older to bo 10 held n a special election in eich o eh of or the Iho chool precincts precinct of ot tho on Tuesday roda to to- to nit to-nit It rhe fhe 11 I I th day of ef Much ch A D In 1921 I at which 00 O LEGAL OTH S rs I election electon thiro will bo be submitted to th the Ion electors of the th district who 11 have hav p paid ld a 0 property tax lux therein In the th year n next preceding ruch puch uch elec elec- dee dee- Lion tion election th following ow Question U II chall 1 liall n 1 the tho of I luC lIon of s b eber r County School District of or tho County of r eb St Stilt te of or Utah Uth bo be authorized to issue u end and nd sell lell ell bonds or of the tho ortho district In the th principal amount of oC for lor the th purpose of raising money n for purchasing a school O vito rII for lc a school chool I f o thereon e i to 10 be b h used an nA a county school and for Ing tho the some somo vI l fur furniture and Cuy n apparatus tho said aid bonds Londi bond to bB bo In the of 1000 1000 each to bear Interest at a arate arate arat rate not exceedIng five per per annum pO payable annually semi and proximately approximately to n be l due du In end and equal I IrR payable rR annual On serially rl amount 0 an t tar ar ap- ap in I elL eath h of the 5 cam eRra from first to the th tenth y year nr Inclusive from th their lr date inthe Th The said laid election shall he be held In the tho o fl school schoot representative precinct of the tir l district r rO end and the th h polling eg H the precinct O I t th and anil the judge who ha hae ha e been appointed to conduct said election at each euch of said laid polling places oro nrc in as rollo follow tolt tonit tov to- to lt It TIVE REPRESENT TIVE SCHOOL NO rO 1 n polling place school house home at Utah Juares Horace Shurtliff Le- Le Le Lo-ander Lo andor S Harris Andrew Aren Agten North I Ogden n voting precinct poll poll- poll den Oc-den ing polling school houn houe hou n at North 01 den Utah t trow Judge Judge-Heher d dH H H-ber H Coo r L Brown row dj Clyde j Campbell t Pleasant Vl VI w voting precinct poll Ing poll Inc place chool house houa at nt Ile sant Vies Utah Lee Judges Lee Mrs Lottie Wilkinson William L L Wade Vade LWade REPRESENTATIVE INT A SCHOOL NO 2 Hooper voting precinct polling place school houie hOIle at Hooper Utah Judges Letis Is J 0 G Wid- Wid Wid-dison Wid dison J It Deus voUn young precinct polling place school chool hou o at Utah Judges rhomas Fowles P Gi Olcen ten Tame Tames Lawson Kawon Roy voting precinct polling place school l house ous at Roy Boy Utah Judge Jude Judges Judges- co C Hobson on R ft P Or en feT H i-f i H Thompson Os Taylor voting precinct pollIng place school chool house hou e at ray Faylor lor Utah Judges Jud os osH ir H H B ii Hawkes Hawke Alex Alec Ale Skeen James Jame W s est eat Weber eber voting precinct polling place houto at W eat Wot est W V ber Ulah Judge W Judge W R Dvid Hancock Henry H nry Penman SCHOOL I CT 1 NO O 0 3 Durch Creek toting precinct polling I I place ploce school house at Bur h Bur h Creek Judges Alfred Glad Gladell ell Charles White Clarence Morria Harriot Marriot voting r precinct pi 11 ice tee school chool at Utah Judges John John Powell rowell w William Har Mar Harriott John Millard RIverdale olin precinct polling place school house hou o s at t Vh A Judges A A Bingham Mur- Mur MurTa ra Mur-ra Ta ra K IC Jacob Jacobi fran flitter Ritter otine polling place chool house at Uintah Utah Uth Judge Nomon Norman Anderson Anderaon Timothy Kendall Orrin B D bee bce Wilson Wll on precinct polling pla e school at Wilson Vilson Utah Judges Daniel Daniel Dr ke Martha burn burn Minnie C C Stratford rA TI VE SCHOOL CT NO PO 4 Farr W Vest t soLing oUng polling school schoot hous house at arr 1 arr West Vet We Judges hale r f Larkin Larkins Hennan Booth Wm Vm A Taylor Plain City voting precinct polling place hou house at I lam lain City Ut Utah h Lyman Juds I Sk en m m ht H J Girner G Slater precinct polling place school houpo at Saten Sater Utah Jud Judges John John John Smout John Wheeler Norton orton Bo Bon Bowns n Warren voting precinct polling place school house houe at W a arren Utah JUdge W W T Va ment Nellie Folk Folk- Folkman man Folk man Joseph Josrph J 13 r Hanion West est arren Warren precinct poll poll- InS poll poll-Inar place school chool house at t West Wc t War War- Var ren Utah Judg Judges Herbert Judges 8 Herbert Last W V Barren Barro lohn P F Io Knight EIs SCHOOL CT NO 1 5 Eden voting precinct poll In school house at LUen Iden Utah Ulah Judges Judges- George Georgo A llIel Fullet V 1 I C A AJ AJ AJ J Carver Hunts Hunts lIla voting precinct pOlling place house nt at n nIl ll i Z AJ J Il n Utah Jens A Jena 1 lIen Allen 1 H D R fi 1 McKi Kl soling precinct polling place school chool house at Libert Liberty Utah Judges Dishop Jail Jaa L L ShaD Shan Sha D 1 L Chard Jag Ja Ja U D lindsa The polls poll nail ill 11 be opened at nt each ech or of said pollIng places at Rt the Iho hour or of even ceven 0 o clock In tho the forenoon of oC so said Id day and end nIh will be bo kept open until and and ill be bc closed ut at the tho hour of seven seveno o clock In tito tho noon of oC said day The oline upon sub sub- milled at said ald election n will Ill be lie by bv ballot bollot till t III be b by Ly the judges 8 of election to person per on qualified to 10 ote thereat and no ballot bollot will still ru no received bv by the judges of th Ih election I E the lie person offering s me b he a 11 loter oter residIng In Inthe Inthe the tho school chool I district In Mch he ho offers to oto ote oto and nho ho ho shall hall o hao paid a property tax therein In th Ih year next preceding such election In whereof the Board of oC 1 of oC Counts Count School hool District of Weber ber Count Utah h hs hi caused this till notice to be he b en as ss re- re required required re required b hw l w this Hid 23 d day of Fob Feb cuRly A D 1921 SEAL SIAL JOSEPH SKEE hEIl nt Bo Bod rd d of eber County School Dis- Dis District Dl Altet Attest TR TRON 0 MAW IA IACI I CI k Board Doard of or Education We- We Weber We Weber ber Coun County ty School chool District ALIAS SUMMONS In n the dl district court of Web Weber r count counts of or Utah The Utah Canning company a cor- cor corporation porn lion pl pl MI a s J V W Foulks Fouls If not deceased and If It deceased hi hits tin un- kno known heirs dc dc lace s and cre John Doe Doo and Mar Marl Roe other ther and true names namo are to unknown and an and all I persons nho ho ha e some ROme estate or In- In Interest In Interest terest tel In and anCI to all or op part of the 1 iea eol i hereinafter described de tie tie- fondants fondants de-fondants Alias Alia summons cummons o so I The Hi he StALlo of or L tah to said aid Defend Defend- Defendants Defendants Defendants ants iou ou ou ore are ar hereby summoned to ap appear C Lr within twenty da 3 after service serice of this summons upon lou ou It If served the county In which this no- no notion ac action tion lion i li brought otherwise within thirty daIS daia Ia s after lien ner Ice an and 1 defend the e entitled action cllon and In cao caa or of sour our o 0 to do judgment nt nut III ho ha rendered sou ou according to the demand of the th complAInt hag ha been ben tiled rued with nith the th clerk cierI court This action Is III brought broucht to obtain a Judgment anti and decree c adjudging d g tho fet plaintiff to be the owner onner e ed and quIeting title any and all or of the In And to all n of ot the follo Ing described roil reil estate to- to to toil il it It II ItA IIA A 0 part port of or lots three 8 3 S and four W 4 H In block nine nin W q of or South Ogden sun suney surey ey In City survey Itu te In li Weber count Utah par par- par par described aa s follows BIt tolt to BeginnIng at a l on the th boun line between said aid lot lots lota three thre 3 and I four U which point Is I m 1 ret feet f ct south 2 degrees decree 16 I minutes minute w west t along the neat line lin of or Pacific avenue ue In Ogden Oden City Utah and which point alo aioo J Is 2 5 1 t foot feet north 89 fl degrees 02 minutes vest neat ot from the cor- cor cor corner ncr ner of saId Mid ald lot three 3 and running thence south G 6 d degrees d irreAS 0 mInutes test lest 3 1 feet th the line b between saki Id lots Iota three 1 an and four f 4 thence south S 8 degrees IG It minutes Cast ea t tW q to 06 it feet thence north Cl 62 degrees delree 53 minutes west nest 93 5 foot feet f t thence north o 0 degree 58 51 minutes minute nat est I 1 feet to a point 17 17 97 feet north 99 89 5 d tIe tIe- de decrees grees crees 02 minutes wt from the place ploce of or beginning thence south 89 0 degrees eloes O 03 minute east cut ea t HG 97 7 feet to the tho Place of r begInning the th said l 11 7 tract o or ore of re real property y ws was heretofore e oro I and l I In is now non sometimes known as mallof all allor or of lot lots hots one on 1 two 2 thre 3 2 And four 4 W In block four f 4 of ot Pacific addition to O den City Utah now vacated AlsoR Also B R A A part of hots lot three thre 3 W and four 4 ln in II block nine nin 9 of South Ogden r re v su Ye in I Ogden g City 1 situate county pir- pir pAr described aa M follows to wit beginning at a point which la is 1 root foot s south uth 2 degrees d groes It 16 minutes minute nest t long tho the wot neet t line of Pacific v avenue nue In Ogden Olf City Cuty and which I Point is 10 07 feet feel north 89 11 degrees 01 O 0 mm- mm min III west weft from the northeast corner I if or f said aali lot tIe thre three 3 B aol no nl which point 1 25 feet ret south from th lii line of nt lot foul f t I In aid Id block nine W 9 and wh point jr Js sa WA TD TO R WAl 4 04 r r 6 modern t homo home 1 furnace f Must Iut t be reasonable Will tal e lease R Rd rene A Address Bo Box WO W 0 Stan d ar ard WANTED V ANTED hy by One comfort comfort- comfortable able ablo abl modern sleeping room with bath lose loso lo In with private family preferred I rat rate Do Box Bot K OOt urn care car Standard J- J J 9 I 40 49 POR LOR RE RENT T LAI LARGE GE store tor for tor rent across atro from Rule nul Store Cull Call at C Cros Croe Co Ce 2243 2242 22 3 Wash A Ave ATC V CM I FARM easy ea r term terms rood good water ter rj ht near beet dump Phone R fl Ha for m 2 W I i iI I K DR o lh HIo HI picot ed edt buto t pinking pleating new n and romI roTO l a 2nd nd Wright t a Mr Mrs 84 rn 5 Kl A SPECIALTY Poor draft overcome and defectIve furnace made mado to operate o lJ All Ail kinds n r of t tin work 1900 1000 Wash Ave Av Phon 2218 2 rD STOART tAN STUART CO U LEGAL NOTICES kno known n as the th northeast corner of ot that said ald tract of real property properly which was heretofore and Is I now n knO as lot nine nIno nin 0 block four U 4 of oC Pacific Place FILLed addition to Ogden City 1 Utah now caled and running thence south U 0 degrees decree 68 18 i minutes I wet west IM ill 1 I feet teet tb thine nce north S1 89 del degrees de- de l grees 02 03 minutes minute west we t 1000 0 O feet thence north u degre degrees 58 51 minutes nt I et It I 1 feet thence south 89 tIe tIe- degrees de decree grees cree 02 minutes minute east cast 1000 0 feet feel to Ih the place of which Said Id tract or of real pr property was wan wa heretofore and Is in Isnow 1 now sometimes me known as ao all aJl of or lots IotA nino 9 and ten 10 In block four 4 of or P Pacific Po ICIe Place addition to OB it Utah now vacated That Ihal the th defendants those hooe names u ace to unknown cl claim m an In- In Interest In Interest terest tOrCH In Id premises eq a as the th 0 ners and thit thU thu the same fame was a as rh dc-rh de- de derl rl rI cd od bv by convince ance or from the tho rail Call dor defendants all In th the n manner anner as particularly alleged allege In the complaint herein to which reference Is hereby her bT mad madeC made madeC C It R It HOLLINGSW ORTH Attorney for tor P 0 s SuIte in U Leeks IT LUE building J Ogden Utah Dated n and issued e March 3 1921 9 IG l IN 1 TH TUB DISTRICT COURT OP Oh WI WE WE- WE WEber bor ber count Slate ate Stat of ot Utah Horace B n an Incompetent person b harry B gurdian or of hI his person erson and estate eato plaintiff Caroline E I Treat K it not riot deceased and If tf deceased her unknown n heirs devisee legatees and creditors the n heirs devisees devisee and credItors of 0 Thomas W treat frear tie tie- de deceased ceased John Doo Doe and Mar Roe h nhO b and anti truo tru names are arc to plaIntIff unknown and si am a and all who have havo hay sime sem me estate or In- In in interest terest in and anti to ill or J rl of hue Iho ro 1 property hereafter described defendants The Tue State Stale of ot Utah to said defend defend- defendants defendants an ants lou tou ou are hereby summoned lo to o appear twenty t days after at r s of this summons upon lou OU it 1 the counts In bleb this action I It brought ht oth otherwIse within thirty da cias after service an ani 1 defend the abose e d n action and In case of M willbo our failure so o to do judgment t null be rendered against you according 1111 to the Iho dem demind nd of the th complaint Which has been tiled rued with the clerk of oC said Ild court This action netlon Is brou brought ht to obtain a Judgment al aid ad decree decre adjudging the I to be the 0 owner onner ner and quiet quiet- quiet In log his against any and all claims of or tho defendants defendant In and nd to all of oC the folio follow described real estate wit to-wit All All of the th south half halt of lot let four I 4 and all nil of the north half holC of lot three 3 In Mock block k forty 4 47 W In Situated in County State Slate of I Utah's That the defendants hose names ro re to 10 the tl plaintiff unknown claim an I in said eaid pr premises as a the th onn- onn own owners ers era thereof and that the same nan al cd cd by con conC con ciance C anee or succession from the Iho said dd all In the Inn a as T alleged In the Ibo herein to which reference Is hereby n madeC made madeC ade C R n HOLLI HOLU Attorney for tor Plaintiff P I 0 address s Suite US Da DaId ld Id Ec Be- Be Bedes Ec-cles Ec cles des building Ogden Oden Utah Chill 1998 NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND ANDI DELINQUENCY OF TH THE SAME I To l hol W IS honi It hv Concern Under n er authority of or section of tho Compiled d Laws Las of oi 1917 an and andas anda as directed by Section 1056 e ft of r the th Re- Re Revised Re Revised Ordinances Ordinance o of Ogden City Utah In 1315 Iho treasure tr aur of Og- Og 0 de Citi Utah hereby gives notices that a special Ux Lix for the purpose of 1 pasing the ost costs of opening Leeks Eccli sixty 00 sO 0 feet reet wide nido bet en Tv T enty und antI Ta T Tont ont ent fourth in iii Ogden Orden n City Utah has been led 10 led and confirmed hv by an nn lIce of oC Ogden tho Board l of or Commissioners loner of Oj Og- Og den City Utah adopted and anet passed March 3 S In 1924 l and m d published March 4 1924 Said special tax Is h 1 Ir lod l led upon all t abutting on the tho following ollow street to to wit It Both sides of s avenue between third T eny and I streets streeta and moro more de- de described d scribed aa s follows wit to Part of lot If Ie 2 3 4 1 5 f 6 7 1 8 I 9 and 10 In block 3 34 plat C gen City une SUr SUre e Sold Said ta tax taa I Is payable in IJ fise fhe til install install- installments ments l The Th first installment nt becomes be ome tip tip- dr on the Hh day of March ia The |