Show Joe Aufderheide Nets of By ECKHARD HERRIG Chronicle Sports Writer On the basis of his great improvement and tremendous shooting the Chronicle sports staff has selected Joe Aufderheide as the Player of the JOE HAS been a great asset to Gardner's quintet on both offense and He is a tough kid on the boards and a great with a shooting average of Behind Ed he is the most accurate one from the free throw Although a his shooting average is the fifth highest on the This is just one factor that shows the way this big guy Aufderheide saw only limited action last year as a He passes well and has an accurate left handed jump Last year he scored 31 points in 16 games for a 2 point average per He has already doubled this average and with 12 games yet to Joe is certain to raise his average even At Broad Ripple High at Aufderheide was an All-City He played against teammates Bo Crain and with Joe who also hails from the same high heide is majoring in pharmacy at the The second biggest man on the Utah Joe plays the rough kind of ball game that goes with a big He likes to go up for rebounds and really makes his opponent fight for basket he THIS KIND of playing has improved Utah's defense Joe has played every game this season and improved with each one to become Coach Jack Gardner's favorite Since Aufderheide is one of the taller players on the squad and just a junior this it is pretty certain that he could be one of the regulars next JOE AUFDERHEIDE Player of the Month |