Show WHERE'S Good question if you are taking a Geology 1 map Only per cent of students get all 50 states right State of The Misspelled By JACKIE BACK Chronicle Feature Editor The states of East North Virginia and Philadelphia have been created by a few students who have taken Geology EACH Daniel professor of gives his Geology 1 classes a map where students are asked to fill in the names of the after test results are about the according to per cent of the class names all the states One or two students miss more than 35 About half miss from 11 to 30 Students know where to place the states of and They begin to have their troubles when they name the eastern students reach the Missouri River they seem to go to Jones give an idea of what I Kansas has been called Ne New and South KENTUCKY has been tagged with more names than any other It has been called West and North States around the Great Lakes often Illinois has been called and Iowa has been called New and Wisconsin has been called The state placed farthest away from its actual location was It was placed in South SPELLING also posed a problem to the Louisiana was spelled and Other states misspelled are North Road and And as a some mis-informed abbreviated Mis-sippi to |