Show Ute Traffic Head Says U Has Parking Places Problem Auto But Proximity By BILL WATERS Chronicle Staff Writer the University of Utah ranks second in the nation in its ability to student Preston D. chairman of the Traffic showed that the University's parking spaces easily the cars driven to the school said most of the parking spaces are in the Annex and Stadium students ignore the ample space in these areas in order to park nearer This is the cause of congestion in the areas on both sides of the Union and Spencer Though the Annex and Stadium lots are farther from campus center the problem of looking for a vacant spot rarely exists in these To vexed with having to park in the outside Linford pointed out that on most campuses across the underclassmen are prohibited from some they aren't permitted to drive on view of our we should consider ourselves very Students having problem of distance between classes were advised to schedule classes with the parking situation in Linford described the University traffic situation as under at the present PRESTON D. LINFORD traffic chairman |